My rating: 5 of 5 stars
WOW! Amazing Read! I couldn't put the book down. the story was so intricate and the characters so interesting. I love books about fallen Angels and this one has quickly flown to the top of my 10 most loved list.
My favourite of all was Cam of course how could it not. He was such a wonderful and heartbreaking character who loved and wanted to be loved so much. He knows he must be with her even if its technically forbidden, and he doesn't much care, As long as she needs him he will protect her. He was the warrior and the protector and no matter his circumstance he never compromised or changed himself for anyone.
Star was an incredible individual who didn't take crap and even though she was scared stood up for herself and others. Her story was tragic and heartbreaking but she didn't let it change her life and who she was. Her Divine gift sets her apart from others and her nightmares drive her to the edge of insanity but still she holds on, never fearing it will all come together in the end.
Morning Star was incredible in this book. He was witty, scary and dark as Hell itself. I would not want to come up against him. He is a larger then life character in a lot of peoples eyes which makes it him a hard character to write about and I think Susan nailed it perfectly!
I believe that Susan is a amazing author and I can't wait to read more of Cam and Stars story. This is the kind of book that could stand on its own or be put in a series. I think Susan went above and beyond when it came to describing the people and places. The story was incredible the characters witty and fun and the battles epic. If you haven't yet read it get you copy today!
Warning Some Sexual Content!"
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College Sophomore Starling Roberts is afraid of the dark because she has known this all her life.
They shadow beings are real and she can see them.
Plagued with nightmares of the invasion of Earth by the Dark fallen and ultimately Morning Star isn't an easy burden to carry, especially when the darkness is after you for the very thing that makes each one of us stand apart from them...our Divinity.
Starling is rare and unique.
Her past obstacles and devastations have wilted her own beliefs, leaving her to begin questioning her own purpose and faith.
But that begins to change when the dark shadows begin attacking her mentally...and physically.
Starling has been chosen, one of hundreds of thousands. But her rare divinity has placed her on the top most wanted list by the dark fallen and she has become the target of a planned catastrophic and deadly event gathered, controlled and led by Morning Star himself.
Star's only hope to remain alive and sane---Cam`ael, a renegade, dark fallen Incubus who lusts for her and Drakael—an Angel determined to keep her from him.
This is her Chronicle, pulled and put together from her own personal journals now known as The Book of Starling.
Combined with the journals of Cam`ael; Former Chief Angel of all Powers in his own words and at his own personal request.