As most of you know, Google Reader is ending soon and GFC will mostly be going as well so Bloglovin' is going to be the best place to follow and read all of your favorite blogs! In celebration of this, Wicca Witch 4 Book Blog and all my bloggy friends have decided to do a month long blog hop called the Booklovin' Blog Hop! Within this hop there are going to be tons, say it again, TONS of books reviews, spotlights, interviews and plenty of chances to WIN, WIN, WIN books from the following genres: dystopian, fantasy, and YA!
The Booklovin' Blog Hop starts July 1st and we will be celebrating all the way to August 1st!
I and everyone involved welcome you to hop on over to all the links below to check out the greatness spread just for you: the readers!
Here's the Schedule:
There are more blogs scheduled...we are just finishing out the kinks in the schedule!
If you would like to be apart of this awesomness please just drop Jovon an email at mrsjtucker2012[at]gmail[dot]com