I am Native American of Algonquin Decent on my mothers side and my fathers family came her from Ireland when he was just a boy so he was born there and his family name was Shelley. I am a Solitary Wiccan and I mix my Native, Wiccan and my Celtic Heritages together so I am what people call an Eclectic Wiccan. I like to keep and open mind and I never pass up an opportunity to try something new and different.
I have been a photographer for 8 years now and I graduated from the School of Photography at Ashworth Collage in 2010. I am currently taking a photography business course at newportraitbiz.com
Please feel free to check out my website here http://www.wix.com/

I love Books! I love to read and I love to talk about them. Supernatural books are my favorite but I do like just about any type of book, the more unusual the better ...lol being a pagan I like to read Celtic or Pagan stories. I like fallen Angel stories too cause I seem to have a Gothic fascination that drives my husband crazy and that my kids LOVE..lol...and I love anything with a good love story tie in but then who doesn't right? who doesn't love action and love together. Nora Roberts is one of my all time favorite Authors but as you can see from the collection of books on my site I love a lot of authors. V.C. Andrews Original books rocked and I have the entire sets! I love historical books as well some that have action, adventure and romance but also you learn some history all at the same time. I hope you enjoy your time here at my blog and I hope you share it with your friends!
some photography contests that I have won.
I won the Lombardy fair Photography Contest in July of 2010. I won 4 first place, 2 second place, and 3 third place entries.
I won first place with:
Theme:Tea Party
Photo:Tea Time http://mastersphotography.
Theme:Architectural detail on an old building
Photo:The Broom Makers Cottage http://mastersphotography.
Theme: Digital before and after shot using manipulation - 2 photos required use Photoshop
Photo: Before shot - Barn Window http://mastersphotography.
Photo: After shot - Fragments of Time http://mastersphotography.
Theme:“All geared up” - close up of mechanical parts
Photo:Something Mechanical http://mastersphotography.
I won second place with:
Theme:Inside the barn
Photo:A Break in Time http://mastersphotography.
Theme:Artwork - any medium
Photo:Landscape http://mastersphotography.
I won third place with:
Theme:hard working hands
Photo:Hard Working Hand http://mastersphotography.
Theme:Still life shot of arranged garden vegetables
Photo:Veggies http://mastersphotography.
Theme: Outdoor winter scene
Photo: Stretching http://mastersphotography.
I won the Lombardy fair Photography Contest July of 2009. I won 4 first place entries and 3 second place entries.
I won first place with:
Theme:Remember when....old cars and trucks
Photo:Keystone Kops http://mastersphotography.
Theme:Architectural detail on an old building
Photo:A Doorway in Time http://mastersphotography.
Theme:My best friend
Photo:My Best Friend http://mastersphotography.
Theme:All dressed up
Photo:All Dressed Up photo http://mastersphotography.
I won second place with:
Theme:Trick or treat
Photo:Trick-or-Treat http://mastersphotography.
Theme: Outdoor winter scene
Photo: Cold Kiss http://mastersphotography.
Theme:rocks and water
Photo:At the Rivers Edge http://mastersphotography.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear June and dear Brennan,
Happy Birthday to yoooooooou!
May the path of your lives be always sunny and bordered by the flowers of love and joy!
Carmen Stefanescu
Dear Amanda,
may your children be a permanent source of pride and joy for you and your husband!
I will be sending an emai, so check it, too!
thank you so much Carmen! for the birthday wishes and the game i loved it!
thx for the birthday message and game! ;W; i luv them! <3 your the best gurly! *glompiiieeesss*
You are very welcome!
They so love the game they have been playing it all morning! it is a pretty cool game. thanks so much Carmen!
This is my first visit to your site, it is certainly full of info and I will enjoy it.I live on the South west coast of Scotland and visit your husbands land in my yacht often, you should go there! it's steeped in history and old ways,Go there and tip toe through the puddles of life and see what come your way. regards to your family Agman
Thanks so much! it would be wonderful to see for sure I have always wanted to go to Ireland. It was my birth fathers family that came from their not my husband. My husbands family actually comes from much closer to you, England.
Hi dear friend!
Thanks for passing by my page. I found your comment and replied. However I came to tell you here, as I'm not very sure about my emails, that you will be on the list, for sure, when letter W is posted! How can I forget?!
Have you received my Authorgraph?
Awesome thanks Carmen! and I for sure got your autograph even made a big to do about it check it out! http://wiccawitch4.blogspot.ca/2013/04/i-got-carmen.html#.UWgCglebGbA