updated June/01/2013
Since this blog is owned by an it is subject to American laws. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued rules that went into effect on December 1, 2009 and were revised in March 2013. These rules state that product reviewed on blogs must include a disclosure as to whether they received the review products for free or received monetary payment and the disclosure must be easy to find and near the product being reviewed.
Below is a list of the sources from which we receive books. Regardless of the source, all reviews are the honest opinion of the reviewer. We do not accept monetary payment or any other form of payment for any book reviewed, nor for any other review or promotional article ie a post about an author's book tour or newest project.
All reviews are the true and honest opinion of me (Amanda/wiccawitch4) the individual reviewing the book.
1) The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.
2) I review ebooks from Kindle.
3) I review ebooks from the local library.
4) I review books that I paid for personally or were received as a personal gift, and own for my personal reading enjoyment.
5) A lot of the time I receive books from an author or publisher, either in print form or electronic form, for review. No compensation is received by either party and a review is promised.
6) Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog or by the vendors. All reviews are the true and an honest opinion of me (Amanda/wiccawitch4) the individual reviewing the books.
Since this blog is owned by an it is subject to American laws. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued rules that went into effect on December 1, 2009 and were revised in March 2013. These rules state that product reviewed on blogs must include a disclosure as to whether they received the review products for free or received monetary payment and the disclosure must be easy to find and near the product being reviewed.
Below is a list of the sources from which we receive books. Regardless of the source, all reviews are the honest opinion of the reviewer. We do not accept monetary payment or any other form of payment for any book reviewed, nor for any other review or promotional article ie a post about an author's book tour or newest project.
All reviews are the true and honest opinion of me (Amanda/wiccawitch4) the individual reviewing the book.
1) The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.
2) I review ebooks from Kindle.
3) I review ebooks from the local library.
4) I review books that I paid for personally or were received as a personal gift, and own for my personal reading enjoyment.
5) A lot of the time I receive books from an author or publisher, either in print form or electronic form, for review. No compensation is received by either party and a review is promised.
6) Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog or by the vendors. All reviews are the true and an honest opinion of me (Amanda/wiccawitch4) the individual reviewing the books.
I'm part of Kristen Painter's House of Pain Street team. But that in no way has influenced my reviews or will it affect my future ones.