My son Tristan and I share of love of all things spooky so it was no surprise to me when he came to me saying "mom you so have to check out these spooky stories on youtube"
There is this guy who calls himself ChaoticMonki who posts short stories on youtube in a spooky voice. here are some of Tristan's favorites:
There is this guy who calls himself ChaoticMonki who posts short stories on youtube in a spooky voice. here are some of Tristan's favorites:
Yep, you're right - spooky.
But it would be nothing without his excellent delivery. If I tried, I'd be stumbling over the words so much people would turn off in about a second.
I thought about advertising my own novels that way, for about a second or so.
lol...your right he does it so well! I for one could not talk like he does for extended periods of time, it would be murder of the
He has like 800 stories up too!
I think putting your stories up like that is awesome Roger maybe you should contact this guy and see if he will do yours!