About Donna
This is a poem by D.M. Yates that she recently shared with me and said I could share with all of you! She is in the process of getting it published into a book of poems so it is in the process of being Copyrighted. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did for she is one talented lady! just click the pic to see close up
My Interview

Always is an amazing journey of past lives and present loves. It is a truly epic tale of how one can find their true soul mates again and again.
Donna is a truly inspirational writer who takes you places and you feel like your home so their is no point in leaving, and makes you know that their will always be another tomorrow no matter where you are and that you will be there with the ones you love. She is an inspiration to me and I know she will be to you as well!
Q: Can you please tell us a little about Always and what inspired you write it?
Always is the story of two eternal lovers who return to Earth again to experience mortal love. I was actually writing two other stories and having a friend and a cousin read them as I wrote when I got this vision of a middle aged well-to-do man standing on his balcony and that’s how I started to write it. Both my friend and my cousin encouraged me to go with the story. They liked it better than the other two.
Q: What made you decide for your lovers to have a 20 year age difference?
I had written that they always managed to find each other on Earth by clues left by them, so this time they had to have a more difficult challenge. Nothing is as tough as a decision as a 20 year age difference.
Q: Who was your favorite character and why?
I favor Simon. So much of me is built into his character. He’s a loner who likes a quiet uncomplicated life, yet he loves meeting people and traveling.
Q: How did you come up with the inspiration for Home?
I wrote how I perceived Home on the Other Side would be. It’s how I see it - a peaceful loving world where all spirits dwell in harmony.
Q: If you could be one of the characters in your book which one would you choose?
I’d be Aunt Tillie. Imagine being quirky and everyone loves you for it.
Q: What made you decide to add a Wiccan into the mix?
I’m a Spiritualist, so I wanted to add as much variety to different beliefs as possible and I’ve long been interested in Celtic Wiccans.
Q: Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
The characters are from people I’ve actually met plus my feelings on how they’d react to different situations.
Q: "What made you decide to write a past life love story?"
I believe in past lives, and so I came up with the idea of Simon and April living on Earth many times before, and each time it helps them develop into who they are.
Q: What are you working on at the moment / next?
I have a book of poetry, Stepping Stones that hopefully will be published this spring, a collection of short stories about an older Midwestern woman who is quite the know-it-all and has this humongous overweight spoiled tabby cat that rides in a pet buggy that should be out this summer, and I’ve finished the next story in the Always series, The Lone Hero, Einarr’s first mission where he goes to the planet of dragons to try and end their wars. That should be out this fall.
Q: What advice would you pass on to make the journey easier for other writers?
Never give up, just be patient. Write, write, write. Get your name out there. Accept editing and suggestions and get into marketing. It’s the way to succeed these days. Always believe in yourself and dream above the clouds. I do and I believe in you.
Q: Thank you so much for your interview, Donna. Would you like to tell my readers where they can find you on the web and where everyone can buy your book?
My novel, Always is available at amazon.com, smashwords, barnes & noble, and for ipad.
I’d love it if people would visit my Landing Page and answer the poll. http://www.dmyates.weebly.com
Also, I have a Facebook Page. Please like and comment if you visit:
And my blog where I write on a variety of subjects:
Amanda, thank you so much for posting this interview. You are truly a special person to know, and I'm grateful that we met.
aww thanks so much Donna! you are a spectacular woman an I am all the better for having met you!
I had the privilege of reading an early version of always and I can say that it did not require too much editing.
Great interview.
thanks Roger! I can't imagine that it would as Donna is a wonderful writer!
I have Always to read and can't wait to read it. It was so fun to learn more about Donna and where her ideas came from. I am definitely curious about this book!
Wonderful interview and wishing Donna the best of luck!
well you are going to love it Stephanie! it is such a wonderful book full of so much love and understanding. it is one of the best love stories I have ever read!