My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book! the characters where great and the storyline was awesome! I loved Irina she was a character that many people could identify with, and the action and intrigue was wonderful. Gerald Simpkins did a wonderful job on this book and I will now have to go back and read the others as I had such a great time with this
I really liked the vampires in this book they weren't over the top and dramatic but regular every day people type, even the bad guys. The battles and training and stuff however is when you got to see their real vamp side come out and it was amazing! but for the most part they lived their lives like normal people, living and working along side humans, and I liked that about this book.
The Vampire Training fascinated me! it was so well thought out and so well put together. I have never read another book like it that is for sure! I loved how intricate the training was for the new vampires and how to learn certain skills what they had to go through, Gerald Simpkins is a genius!
I really can't wait to read more about this fascinating world of vampires and humans!
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17-year old Irina Connors is in her last year of high school. What had begun as seemingly a dream come true only three years previously has morphed into a daily grind of verbal abuse and bullying. She was offered a place in a special program wherein she is bussed from her poor neighbourhood to a school in a wealthy part of Seattle and has qualified for a college scholarship if she can maintain a 3.7 GPA. As she struggles to maintain a perfect grade average she has increasingly become the favoured target of malicious and cruel attacks by a clique of wealthy girls and their boyfriends.
One day the attacks go too far as her only friend is victimized too and Irina retaliates, setting in motion a chain of events that seem to shatter her life and her dreams. In fact she is about to cross a threshold that will take her to an incredible world of great danger and yet possibilities that she could never have dreamed of.
Join Irina as she sets out on the journey of a lifetime and beyond, discovering things unimaginable even while struggling with her own role in her new life. ‘Forever Young Irina ‘will captivate you and draw you in to experience the world of Vampires as you have never before seen it portrayed.