Author Bio
Nicky is an English author living in the UK. She writes both YA and adult horror and paranormal Romance. In her spare time she runs a local writers’ group and can be found online through the links below:
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Bad Blood
Title: Bad Blood
Author: Nicky Peacock
Publisher: Noble Romance Publishing, LLC -- Noble Young Adult, LLC
Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Paranormal.
Theme & Special Content: Zombies, Vampires, Violence, England, post-apocalyptic
Release Date: May 2013
ISBN#: 9781605923482
Length of book: 170 pages – print 119 pages - eBook
“I am Britannia. I am your protector. I will fend off the hungry hordes of undead hands that reach toward you. I am your steadfast defender. I will stand between you and the zombie masses as they try to taste your flesh. I am strong, unyielding, and dedicated to your survival. All I ask from you… is your blood.”A five-hundred-year-old bloody game of vengeance will need to be put on hold if vampires are to survive the zombie uprising. Britannia and Nicholas, bitter enemies and the only two surviving vampires left in London, have to work together to save un-infected humans and deliver them safely to a vampire stronghold in the Scottish Highlands. Unable to drink the zombie "bad blood," the remaining vampires need the humans to stay alive. But will the vampires tell the survivors who they are and what they want from them? Will Britannia be able to hold back her vengeance for the greater good? Is survivor Josh the reincarnation of Britannia's murdered true love? And can she bring herself to deliver him to the "safe" hold?
Survival instincts run deep, but bad blood can run deeper.
Where to Buy
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Cost of Book: USA $8.46 Print -$4.99 eBook UK £5.72 Print £3.30 eBook. CA $5.05
My Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is freaking Awesome! I read it in like three hours! I couldn't put the book down the action was mind blowing and the story was riveting! there is nothing I love more then vampires and zombies and to throw them together into a book was just pure genius!
The main character Brit was so dark, angry and tortured, with a soft centre you just immediately love her. She lives her life on the edge of vampire and human society and she doesn't like to be told what to do but at the same time risks her life to make the world a little safer every day for others all the while mocking it.
The other character were equally enjoyable! I loved the back and forth between Brit and Nicholas as they were forced to work together to save people(even though all she wanted to do was throw him to the the introduction of the Josh character gave quite a twist into the story and gave it a whole new perspective and we got to see a whole different side of Brit. I loved all the characters and I felt they all were special.
I think Nicky Peacock is a wonderfully tallented writer and I can't wait to read more! if you haven't yet read this then get out there and get it for it is a must read!!!!!!
View all my reviews
My Interview
I can hardly believe my good fortune! I have been having a very blessed year so far and it has been only getting better!I have had the great good fortune indeed of interviewing Nicky Peacock, Author of the incredible and action packed, paranormal thriller Bad Blood!
Bad Blood is an amazing whirl wind ride full of butt kicking, zombie chasing, vampire biting good times and that isn't even the half of it!
Seriously if you haven't read this book it needs to be a must on your summer booklist because I couldn't put it down! and after you hear what Nicky has to say about it you will definitely want more!
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of fiction?
Well, I had always wanted to be a writer but, like most wannabe authors, I'd spent years trying to get published but going about it all the wrong way. About 3 years ago I decided to to go down the short story market - it gives you a published CV and organically teaches you the art of writing. Next thing I knew I had over 40 stories accepted for publication and was staring at the contract for Bad Blood!
Q: Can you please tell us a little about your book Bad Blood and what inspired you write it?
It was very much born of a need to see vampires and zombies together in a piece of fiction. I looked for a book to read that had vampires hip deep in zombie madness, but didn't find one, so thought - hey I'm gonna write this myself!
Q: OK the very important question everyone must know! Are you going to continue the story and can we expect another book or two?
Yes - the plan is to make Bad Blood into a trilogy and I'm currently beavering away on it, as well as another NA urban fantasy book.
Q: As we very rarely see Vampires and Zombies in the same story, was it hard to write a book that had two sets of iconic creatures of the undead in it?
It was actually oddly easy. As a reader, I love action packed books and the zombies VS vampires theme afforded me a lot of potential for action. I also bridged the gap between the two monsters with the Vambie, which gave me a super scary bad guy, and a chance to actually create a monster of my very own.
Q: The Heroine in your story has such an unusual name. I was wondering how you come up with the name Britannia?
Britannia is the old name for Britain - it's one of our national anthems 'Rule Britannia'. I liked the idea of the leading lady changing her persona to that of the country itself. Queen Elizabeth the First did something similar - she never married or had a life of her own, she just took on the duty of looking after England; something that Britannia did as a way of coping with her vamperism.
Q: As people I am sure are dying to know is Josh really a reincarnation of her long lost love or is he just a relative down the Langdon family line?
Oh, that would be telling...let's just say that in the next one, more comes out and Josh finds himself in a very difficult position.
Q: Britannia and Nicholas share a bitter history but you can tell that he loves her and she does care for him deep down even though she won't admit it to herself. Will we see some resolution between the two of them in the future?
Hmmmmm, to be honest, I'm not even sure of that myself yet. My writing is very character driven and they tend to call the shots. There were some scenes in Bad Blood that I wanted to include that Brit just wouldn't let me - sounds crazy, right? I think the answer to that is down to Nicholas and Brit.
Q: You brought a lot of interesting people together in Bad Blood, did you think when you started the book they all might kill each other at some point?
Anything was possible. I did actually cut some scenes that had a few early deaths in! Its all a editing process.
Q: We all know writing isn't easy. Can you tell us all what you love and hate most about being an author?
I love the creative process, some days I can barely function for being lost in a scene of my own creation! The worst though is explaining it to friends and family. There's plenty of invitations that I've had to turn down to write. Fortunately now the book is out they can see a physical end-product and can appreciate the time I spent away from them.
Q: Can you tell us about your writing process? Do you dream up these characters and then build the journey, or rather, do you dream the journey as you create?
I try to keep things fluid and changeable. I quite often start with a simple idea and twist it as the story develops. I think you do need to have a rough plan when you start, or you just end-up in a pointless monkey-mind exercise with a story that doesn't go anywhere. I'm a big fan of themes in stories. I like to include at least 3 in any story I write - if a scene doesn't feed into my themes, then its mercilessly cut out.
Q: Thank you so much for the interview, Nicky. Would you like to tell my readers where they can find you on the web.
Nicky Peacock
My links are all below - I love hearing from readers so feel free to contact me and follow me on any of the below. I can also be found on Goodreads and LibraryThing.
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