It's going to be a long excruciating wait before Supernatural returns this fall for its ninth season but hopefully this little piece about Dean Winchester will help ease the wait. If you're a Supernatural fan, you probably already know most of these things. Still it's fun to take note of the lighter side of Dean considering how rough the past eight seasons have been.
Dean Loves Pie
Dean Loves the Magic Fingers Bed Relaxation System...
which often makes Sam uncomfortable. He's happily encountered it in various motels as seen in "Houses of the Holy," "Sin City"and "Two and a Half Men," in which he enjoys it while babysitting.
Dean's Favorite Catchphrase is "Son of a Bitch."
Dean Likes his Coffee Black
Dean is Allergic to Cats
In the season 8 episode "Man's Best Friend with Benefits," he sneezes when he sits across from Phillippe.
Dean is a Skilled Mechanic
Having repaired the totally wrecked Impala in season 2. It was also revealed that he's a professional mechanic in the alternate reality in "What is and What Should Never Be."
Dean Loves Sex, Strippers and Porn. Enough Said.
Dean Enjoys Having Sex During Bad Company Songs
"She Brings Me Love" played during Dean and Cassie's love scene in the episode "Route 666" while "Ready to Love" played while Dean and Anna were making love in the episode "Heaven and Hell."
Dean is obsessed with the Wild West and according to Sam, Dean Knows Al of Clint Eastwood's Movies, including the "one with the monkey."
Dean Loves Greasy Food, Especially Bacon Cheeseburgers
After spending a year in Purgatory, it was the thing he craved the most. On the other hand, he considers salad as "rabbit food."
Dean Came From the Bloodline of Cain and Abel...
according to Archangel Michael in "The Song Remains the Same."
Dean saw the movie Black Swan
Dean Hates Flying
Dean is Fan of Chuck Norris
Dean is a Huge Classic Rock Fan
He has used famous rock musicians as his alias throughout the series and claims that his favorite songs are a tie between Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues."
Dean Has Killed the Most Main Antagonists on the Show...
including Azazel, Eve, Dick Roman and Ruby.
Dean is the First Human to Set Foot in Purgatory
Dean has Etered the Most Number of Realms
Including: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Avalon, the homeland of the Fairies.
Dean has Time Traveled the Most
out of any other character on Supernatural.
Dean Always Loses Whenever He Plays Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sam (he always chooses scissors).
Which fun fact did you like best? Do you know any interesting trivia about Dean Winchester that are not included in the list? Share them below!
taken from Buddy TV