My Good friend Melanie of Vampirelovingdork and Nerd Girl is one of the best people I know when it comes to promoting something she believes in! Right now on facebook Melanie is doing a promotion for Kristen Painter upcoming book City of Eternal Night (Crescent City, #2).
As members of Kristen's super awesome Street team! Mel and I both know how wonderful it is to work with Kristen and her team and how incredable her books are! Kristen's new book City of Eternal Night (Crescent City, #2) is on the 2014 anticipated release list on Goodreads. Right now it is at 48 but If you all vote I know we can do better! So please click the link below and add your vote
anyway on facebook Melanie is giving away a bookmark and button to those who vote. all you have to do is comment on facebook saying what number the book is at when you voted. the winner will be chosen on Monday morning, so you have all weekend to get your vote in.
click the facebook link above to comment and the goodreads link below to vote!
*****As always this giveaway is NOTHING to do with Facebook and we are responsible for all prizes. This giveaway IS international*****
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