• Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star

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  • Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton

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  • A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen

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  • A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri

    A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!

31 May 2013

My Interview With Susen Ee

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:04:00 am

About Susan Ee Susan Ee has eaten mezze in the old city of Jerusalem, surfed the warm waters of Costa Rica, and played her short film at a major festival. She has a life-long love of science fiction, fantasy and horror, especially if there's a touch of romance. She used to be a lawyer but loves being a writer because it allows her souped-up imagination to bust out and go feral. Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, Book 1) is her debut novel. You are invited to become her friend on Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads. Susan is looking for people in Penryn in the Uk to send her pics of the sign as well as pics of her...

30 May 2013

Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 4:52:00 pm

Seventeen-year-old Vane Weston has no idea how he survived the category five tornado that killed his parents. And he has no idea if the beautiful, dark-haired girl who’s swept through his dreams every night since the storm is real. But he hopes she is.Seventeen-year-old Audra is a sylph, an air elemental. She walks on the wind, can translate its alluring songs, and can even coax it into a weapon with a simple string of commands. She’s also a guardian—Vane’s guardian—and has sworn an oath to protect Vane at all costs. Even if it means sacrificing her own life.When a hasty mistake reveals their location to the enemy who murdered both of their...

28 May 2013

Prophecy Girl by Cecily White is HERE! The first book in The Angel Academy Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 6:10:00 pm

Amelie Bennett. . . . Ending the world, one prophecy at a time.I was born to slay Crossworld demons. Big black flappy ones, little green squirmy ones. Unfortunately, the only thing getting slain these days is my social life. With my high school under attack, combat classes intensifying, and Academy instructors dropping right and left, I can barely get my homework done, let alone score a bondmate before prom.Then he shows up. Jackson Smith-Hailey. Unspeakably hot, hopelessly unattainable, and dangerous in all the right ways. Sure, he’s my trainer. And okay, maybe he hates me. Doesn’t mean I’ll ignore the wicked Guardian chemistry between...

Poison by Bridget Zinn

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:52:00 am

Sixteen-year-old Kyra, a highly-skilled potions master, is the only one who knows her kingdom is on the verge of destruction—which means she’s the only one who can save it. Faced with no other choice, Kyra decides to do what she does best: poison the kingdom’s future ruler, who also happens to be her former best friend.But, for the first time ever, her poisoned dart . . . misses.Now a fugitive instead of a hero, Kyra is caught in a game of hide-and-seek with the king’s army and her potioner ex-boyfriend, Hal. At least she’s not alone. She’s armed with her vital potions, a too-cute pig, and Fred, the charming adventurer she can’t stop thinking...

26 May 2013

Tarnished by Rhiannon Held is HERE! Book 2 in The Silver Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:14:00 pm

Experience the romance and danger of running with the werewolves in this urban fantasyAndrew Dare has found his mate in Silver, but they haven’t found the pack they can call home. Some of his old friends think he should return and challenge Roanoke for leadership of all the werewolf packs on the East Coast. But Andrew has baggage—his violent history with the packs of Spain and the rumors of his lack of control. And then there’s Silver—the werewolf who has lost her wild self to a monster’s assault, and who can no longer shift forms. But perhaps together they can overcome all the doubters.The second book in this wonderful urban fantasy series...

22 May 2013

Kainas 1000 Like Giveaway!!!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:14:00 pm

WOW Kainas fans have reached 1000 “Likes” on Her Facebook Page Kaina’s Book Blog and to celebrate She is  having a HUGE giveaway!!!! The prizes are : 1. Paperback Copy Of Blood Rights1. eCopy of ELE book OF YOUR CHOICE1. eCopy of Concealed in the Shadows1. eCopy of Night Marchers and Redemption1. eCopy of Keeping Secrets1. eCopy set of the Unicorn Witch Series1. ARC eCopy of Double Star1. eCopy of the Wonderstruck Anthology1. BookMark Bundle Set (Several Signed)5 x Postcard & Bookmark All you have to do to enter is Click HERE! AS A BONUS …….. They have some mystery prizes that will be given away as well. All you...

Clean Teen Publishing News: Help the victims of the Oklahoma Tornadoes.

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 5:20:00 am

Amazon.com Widgets These titles are also available on the Nook, Smashwords and iBookStore! Project ELE, Finding ELE, Exposing ELE, Surviving ELE, Night Marchers and Redemption (A Night Marchers Novel)  Clean Teen Publishing News: Concealed in the Shadows is NOW AVAILABLE through Amazon!  Happy Release Weekend to Gabrielle Arrowsmith! Sydney Harter has long awaited September 12th, 2033—her eighteenth birthday. She can finally apply for guardianship of her sister, who is her only family and entire world. She hopes they will be lawfully reunited, but is prepared to defy authority...

21 May 2013

WW4BB Presents: A Review of Runes by Ednah Walters

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 4:42:00 pm

Runes by Ednah Walters My rating: 5 of 5 stars BEST BOOK EVER! wow I couldn't put it down! the characters were interesting and the storyline Rocked! I loved the heat and never ending tension between Raine and Torin they are like too magnets contently attracted but always being pulled apart. The ending was the best and the worst part of the book I wanted to cry because it was over but it was such a great ending I wanted to applaud. The ending was brilliant and well thought out and I never saw it coming! I can't wait for the next book! Ednah Walters is a genius of a writer and she did a marvellous job on this story. I never wanted the story...

Dare You To by Katie McGarry is HERE! Book 2 in The Pushing the Limits Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:17:00 pm

Ryan lowers his lips to my ear. "Dance with me, Beth.""No." I whisper the reply. I hate him and I hate myself for wanting him to touch me again...."I dare you..."If anyone knew the truth about Beth Risk's home life, they'd send her mother to jail and seventeen-year-old Beth who knows where. So she protects her mom at all costs. Until the day her uncle swoops in and forces Beth to choose between her mom's freedom and her own happiness. That's how Beth finds herself living with an aunt who doesn't want her and going to a school that doesn't understand her. At all. Except for the one guy who shouldn't get her, but does....Ryan Stone is the town...

20 May 2013

Perth,ON Faeryfest! Come One Come All!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:52:00 pm

3rd Annual FaeryFest  Perth Civitan, Hyw 43 get dictions HERE RAIN OR SHINE! (It is going to be a beautiful sunny "FAERY" day!!!) Anything and Everything to do with Faeries!The Festival will be INSIDE the Perth Civitan Hall and OUTSIDE the hall on the grounds!Wear your FAERY WINGS and COSTUMES, you will not be alone!!!! The Faeries want us to have FUN!Contact info: Cheryl Sinfieldfaeriecece@hotmail.comLooking for BUSKERS, please contact name above!List of ARTISTS/VENDORS/ HEALERS/ORACLE READERS:CHERYL SINFIELD, FAERIE ART BY FAERIE CE CE: One of a kind Faerie House & Doors, made from natural and recycled materials.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Faerie-Art-by-Faerie-Ce-Ce/286090531452615?ref=ts&fref=tsEVE...

Romancing the Bookworm Blog Tour Cover Reveal

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:00:00 pm

Title: Romancing the Bookworm Author: Kate Evangelista Publisher: Omnific Publishing Genre: Romance Age Group: New Adult Expected release date: July 9, 2013 Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours Goodreads: Book Description Sometimes, even the best-laid plans can unravel. It's spring break, and Tamara Winters would rather stay on campus and read romance novels than flaunt her size-fourteen body on a beach. But her best friend, Ronni, has other ideas. Against her wishes, Tamara is whisked away to picturesque Maverick Bay, where she's wrangled into waiting tables with Ronni at the Shore Shack for its busy week leading to...

19 May 2013

Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson is HERE! book 4 in the The Witch & Wizard Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:57:00 am

James Patterson delivers what the fans have been asking for--the story of what happens next--with an epic fourth installment about the heroic teen witch and wizard that have captured our imaginations. Whit and Wisty Allgood have finally triumphed over the evil that has long overshadowed their world with their defeat of The One Who Is The One. Now they move on to their next mission: becoming members of a governing Council that will return the Overworld to a place of creativity, magic, and freedom from persecution.But it isn't long before the city is threatened from inside and out. The adults on the Council want to control the use of magic...

18 May 2013

Fading Shadows by Susan C. Finelli

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:38:00 pm

Fading Shadows by Susan C. Finelli My rating: 3 of 5 stars this book was confusing in parts there was so many characters and so many parts and it kept switching back and forth sometimes I didn't know who was who. The Story was a good one though and the parts very well thought out. the ending though I thought was a little abrupt, I thought it could have ended a whole lot better. The story is mostly about the Crane family and it goes back and forth from the past to the present which made it all the more confusing at times. The Crane family are a big and powerful family and everyone wants a piece of them in some way, weather it be for politics,...

16 May 2013

Kristen Painter Info check it out!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:44:00 am

Two items up for auction at the Brenda Novak Diabetes Research Auction:Get your name in one of my books: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/Bidding.taf?_function=detail&Auction_uid1=2942360Coach purse with books: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/Bidding.taf?_function=detail&Auction_uid1=2870772 Twitter Ready -  Love #Gothic #Fantasy #Books? Check out #Author @Kristen_Painter for a whole new #Vampire experience.https://www.facebook.com/KristenPainterAuthor … For everywhere else -Love Gothic Fantasy Books? Check out Author Kristen Painter for a whole new Vampire experience. https://www.facebook.com/KristenPainterAuthor Stop...

My Uncle and His Amazing Snack Shack!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:04:00 am

Visit the Snack Shack online at https://www.facebook.com/thesnackshackshannonville My Uncle and His Amazing Snack Shack! My Uncle Tim is an amazing Carpenter and a all around amazing guy. Growing up we loved to play around with him because he was always so funny and would tell silly stories and sing silly songs and could always build anything. He and our other Uncles would take us out 4 wheeling or skidooing  and  tobogganing. Now though he has built this amazing new Snack Shack with his own hands and it is beautiful! They are open officially now and you can go and get the amazing food they...

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