...And They All Lived Happily Ever After!
By Crystal Connor
Genre: Horror/Sci~Fi/Dark Fantasy
Publication: Aug 14 2012
Book Description
Once upon a time, in a dark & scary place, in a frightening land way too close to home...Crystal Connor's ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After! is a collection of short fables not meant for children; but for those who enjoy the madness of nightmares.
In the 'Queen's Pawn' you'll visit a magical kingdom full of wonder and splendor only to come to the sickening realization that when the Queen had a message...she sends her pawns.
The perils of eating forbidden fruit have been cautioned against since the Book of Genesis, but will our urban princess in 'The Apple' heed those warnings?
Embark on a mystical and treacherous quest to reach 'The Ruins', located in place so sacred that is should never be visited by mortal man.
These are just a few of the adventures you'll have as you explore the dark imagination of Crystal Connor. Fourteen short stories of horror, science fiction, and fantasy; 65,306 words of terror by a single author who clearly intends to one day be known as a Master in the genre.
Monsters, Women, and Villains (oh my)!
Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivUo9ZU2B_4
Crystal’s Blog - http://www.wordsmithcrystalconnor.blogspot.com/
Amazon Purchase Link: http://www.amazon.com/And-They-Lived-Happily-After/dp/1477616624/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380588479&sr=8-1&keywords=crystal+connor
Author Bio

Connor has been writing science fiction and horror since Jr. High school, has been published in various anthologies and is the author of the Spectrum Trilogy. Connor’s début novel, The Darkness, the first book in the Spectrum Trilogy was selected as a two time Award-Winning Finalist in the 2011 International Book Awards in the fiction categories of Cross Genre Fiction and Multicultural Fiction. Connor’s club affiliations include the Seattle Women’s Writing Group, Black Science Fiction Society and the Fictioneers.