What happens when "happily ever after" has come and gone?
On the eve of her only daughter, Princess Raven's wedding, an aging Snow White finds it impossible to share in the joyous spirit of the occasion. The ceremony itself promises to be the most glamorous social event of the decade. Snow White’s castle has been meticulously scrubbed, polished and opulently decorated for the celebration. It is already nearly bursting with jubilant guests and merry well-wishers. Prince Edel, Raven's fiancé, is a fine man from a neighboring kingdom and Snow White's own domain is prosperous and at peace. Things could not be better, in fact, except for one thing:
The king is dead.
The queen has been in a moribund state of hopeless depression for over a year with no end in sight. It is only when, in a fit of bitter despair, she seeks solitude in the vastness of her own sprawling castle and climbs a long disused and forgotten tower stair that she comes face to face with herself in the very same magic mirror used by her stepmother of old.
It promises her respite in its shimmering depths, but can Snow White trust a device that was so precious to a woman who sought to cause her such irreparable harm? Can she confront the demons of her own difficult past to discover a better future for herself and her family? And finally, can she release her soul-crushing grief and suffocating loneliness to once again discover what
"happily ever after" really means?
Only time will tell as she wrestles with her past and is forced to confront The Reflections of Queen Snow White.
My Review
The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David C. Meredith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Beautiful book! although dark, moody and sometimes violent David Meredith's book is beautifully written. This is not your typical snow white fairy tale, no way, David takes you on a ride of heartbreaking memories and soul retching reflections of self discovery that leave the reader not sure if they can handle the next turn of the page.
Queen Snow White is very much sadden by the loss of her husband Charming, so much so that even the joyous occasion of her daughters wedding can't seem to lift her spirits. Snow Whites mood seems to deepen and deepen until she can bear it no more and must escape where no one will think to look. The long empty tower of the long gone Queen and Snow White's biggest enemy.
What she discovers in the tower is her stepmothers mirror still shiny and new as if it was just polished. Snow isn't sure she should turst something that her stepmother used considering how evil she turned out to be but she can't help but look into its depths and discover for herself what secrets await her. What do you do when your Happily Ever After Really is gone? Will Snow White ever find her happiness again?
Great Story! I am a HUGE fan of Snow White Stories and this is now on my list of favourites! David C. Meredith is a wonderful writer and if you haven't read this wonderful story yet make sure to get your copy today!
View all my reviews
About the Author
David Meredith is an independent author living in the Nashville Area where he also teaches English. Prior to this he taught English in Japan for nearly a decade.
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