Title: Guardians: The Girl (Book 1)
Author: Lola St Vil
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
After his death, Marcus found the love of his life...Unfortunately it's not his sexy, telekinetic angel girlfriend --- it's Emmy Baxter... a human.
Between torture, demon attacks, and midterms, Marcus and Emily
must fight their feelings for a devastating prophecy has predicted:
"Should Angel and Human unite, humanity will perish."
My Review
The Girl by Lola St.Vil
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Incredible story! never have I read a angel story like it! the characters were intriguing the scenes exciting and the story it self left you on the edge waiting for more. Lola St.Vil is a great author I really enjoyed the way she set up the story and then would leave you hanging to pummel you with something else. The ending blew me away and again leaves you hanging on the edge wanting more, and I can't wait to read the next one!
15 year old Emmy Baxter thinks her life probably couldn't get any more boring, but she doesn't complain. She likes the solitude of her simple life but sometimes she feels as if her life will never start. When Emmy is attacked at school by freaks with guns and rescued by six Guardians and her life is turned upside down overnight, she is suddenly wishing for her sweet and simple life back.
The Guardians are part of the elite of Heaven, sent to earth to find the clues to lead them to saving the world. Emmy is their first clue and only she can lead them to the others, the fate of the world rest on her shoulders and the fate of her safety rests on theirs. For Hell has sent there own Six Elite to find the clues and now it is a race against time to see who get to the finish first.
Something Else has began to happen as well, Marcus and Emmy can't seem to keep their feelings in check. Marcus the leader of the Guardians knows that a relationship between them isn't to be, for a devastating prophecy has been predicted, that should he and Emmy unite, all of humanity will parish. So between torture, demon attacks, and midterms, Marcus and Emily must fight their feelings but will it help? and what will Marcus's sexy angel girlfriend have to say about it all?
I totally loved this book! Lola St.Vil is a genius! and I can't wait to read more of the series! All the characters were amazing. especially the bad guys! I really couldn't say who was my fav as I loved them all so much.
defiantly TBR this if you haven't read it yet! it is a must read!
View all my reviews
About The Author
Lola was seven when she first came to this country from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She attended Columbia College in Chicago, where her main focus was creative writing. In addition to plays, she also writes screenplays and short stories.She has been commissioned to write for ABC, CBS and Princeton University. She won the NAACP award for her play "The Bones of Lesser Men". In addition to being nominated for LA Weekly awards. Her work has also received positive reviews from The LA Times, Variety and LA Weekly. This is her first novel.