Rogue Wave is Book 2 in the Water Keepers series.After five months of blissful pretending, Sadie and Rayne are practically the couple of the year. At least, according to Sadie's friends at school they are. But she knows the truth. Their feelings are just an illusion. Now, with graduation and college right around the corner, Sadie realizes she can't put off the inevitable any longer. She has to make a choice. Take the easy way out and run away from her problems, as usual, or move forward with courage and discover her own destiny. But when Ash Hastings, the son of the black-eyed man who almost drove Sadie to her death last November and Rayne's supposed best friend, makes an unnerving appearance in Sadie's life again, the path to her future takes an unexpected turn. And this time, Sadie's life isn't the only one in danger.
My Reviews
Deep Blue Secret by Christie Anderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Awesome Book! Couldn't put it down! Christie Anderson is brilliant! she really knows what to do to capture and hold the audiences attention, she doesn't let you go either for you stuck on the edge right with the characters afraid that they will fail in their endeavors.
In this first book in the Water Keepers Series Sadie has a life she adores, great fiends, a great mother, and her pick of any of the boys at school. however lately Sadie hasn't been feeling all that great, she has been having weird mood swings where one min she is dark and depressed to the point of tears and days of melancholy and the next she is flying high the social butterfly fluttering from group to group high on life and singing a the top of her lungs.
What is crazier still is she is rescued by this beautiful boy on the beach and he wont even tell her his name! Sadie feels so safe in his arms and is sure she has seen him somewhere before, for his beautiful green eyes are so familiar its like seeing them from a dream. Each time they met is stranger still and Sadie can't help falling for him more and more. He says he is there to protect her to keep her from harm and that he will always be there if she needs him, but safe from what? why does she need his protection?
As Sadie is drawn deeper and deeper into his world she realizes the immense danger and secrets evolved in a world of agents that no one knows even exist, and by exposing herself she realizes she was suppose to be a secret too, maybe one of the biggest and now they are coming for her.
Excellent Book! I really love this series! Voss was such a Awesome villain in this story! you could feel the evil roll of him at times and at others you could tell the man that lurked underneath the one that was always hurting. Pain and anger are what drove him and consumed him and he couldn't see passed it anymore. Christie Anderson is such a brilliant writer and if you haven't read this series yet make sure to TBR it today!
View all my reviews Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Excellent Story!I couldn't put it down for a second and I can't wait to read the next in the series! Christie Anderson is a brilliant author who fills her books full of intrigue, danger, romance and suspense and makes you feel like your right along the edge right along with her characters.
Rogue Wave is a heartwarming and gripping story the second in Christie's Water Keeper Series, About Sadie and Rayne. Its been 5 months since the terrible night Voss kidnapped Sadie and 5 months of pretended bliss with Rayne as her fake boyfriend. Everyone believes they are the couple of the year, but Sadie knows the truth and each day its killing her a little more inside. She must do something for the bond between them makes her want him more everyday but what they feel can never be as it would be braking the keeper code.
Rayne would do anything to keep Sadie safe, she means more to him then him own life and when the healing water she needs everyday to live starts to go missing Rayne starts to question if he is really capable of protecting her. When Sadie is attacked and threatened by Ash, Voss's son and Rayne's oldest friend, its like their whole world starts to fall apart. Would Ash really do anything to hurt Sadie? and Why would he be doing all this in the first place?
Hurt and confused Sadie and Rayne must stick together to find out the answers for their water is in short supply and without it Sadie will die and Rayne isn't about to let that happen for she means way to much to him and its about time he told her the truth...
Loved this book! Christie Anderson is a smashing author, I loved the character of Sadie and Leena, this mother daughter duo rocked! as a mother myself with two daughters and two sons I can only hope to have half the kind of relationship these two do. I really enjoyed Christie's style of writing their where several flash backs in the book and I enjoyed this aspect I thought it lent alot to the story. The flash backs weren't to long and drawn out either like some books tend to be and I liked this alot, they were the perfect length with just enough information to let you know what you needed and then moved on with the story. Christie Anderson is awesome and I can't wait to read more of the series!
View all my reviews
I groaned and let my forehead fall to the book on the table, mumbling as I spoke into the hard surface. “I’m seriously…going to fail this class.”
“You’re not going to fail,” he said, lightly placing his hand on my back. “Come on, we’ll figure it out together."
I had been worrying about this assignment ever since fourth period, when Mr. Reed decided to tie my head into crazy knots, but with Rayne, it actually seemed doable—or at least, less likely to send me to the loony bin.
My smile returned, and I lifted my head in his direction. “Well, I guess we should—” The words caught in my throat. I turned so quickly I didn’t realize how close he was. His face was only inches away. “We...uh,” I said, stumbling as his stare locked on mine.
I knew I should move, but I couldn’t look away. Heat spread through my body. This wasn’t the first time I’d caught myself staring into his amazing green eyes and wishing I could indulge myself with the touch of his lips. Even after five months of learning to suppress the bonding effect from the Healing Water, it still didn’t feel any easier.
It was hard to believe that after so many close calls, neither of us had given in to the desire. I saw it in his eyes. He wanted to kiss me. He was just as tempted to act on the urges as I was. But every time I caught myself staring into his eyes, longing for his touch, his lips…I just remembered one important thing—none of it was real.
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