• Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star

    How the story compares to the comic script

  • Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton

    A Cover Revel of Book 9 from Felicity's aweome supernatural series! don't miss out on these!

  • A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen

    Read all about Danielle Allen's new book!

  • A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri

    A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!

30 Nov 2013

WW4BB Presents:13 Sacred Days & 12 Sacred Nights of yule

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:39:00 pm

The 13 days of Yule are a Blessed Tradition in the Masters household, not only my kids look forward to it but my husband and I as well count down the days. it used to be that we dreaded the holidays, the rushing the present buying, and the worry of will we have enough. Not anymore (thank the Gods)all thanks to the our simple 13 days of Yule tradition. Now we look forward to the holidays with our family and friends and the children appreciate not only the gifts they receive but everything else they get to do.

last year I talked about our tradition so this year I wanted to talk more in depth about what the 13 days is all about and what the 12 nights signify to us!

Over the last couple of years I have also talked about other aspects of the Yule traditions that we incorporate like the Holy King and Oak King Battle, and the Yuletide Stories that we tell. 

13 Sacred Days & 12 Sacred Nights

The magickal – but also frightful season of deepest darkness starts in the Celtic tradition at Samhain and slightly earlier in the Nordic. During this supernatural season of Yuletide we walk between the worlds. The veil between the worlds is thin and all sorts of otherworldly beings roam the earth. The dead are allowed to return to earth and we may visit the Otherworld (careful!!). If we keep our senses sharp, we may encounter not only elves, trolls or ghosts, but also gods and goddesses.

Whereas the activities subside the closer we get to Yule / Winter Solstice, we may encounter many strange and wonderful beings again during the Twelve Nights of Solstice (Twelve Sacred Nights) or “Rauhnaechte” as we call them in German. Once more for the last time during this dark liminal season the activities of the otherworldly visitors increase.

The twelve nights, the “Twelve Sacred Nights of Yule” start with Mother's Night (December 24th) and are considered the “time between the years”, the difference of days between the lunar year and the solar year. As the old would end with Winter Solstice the New Year would only start at the end of the Rauhnaechte (January 6th). Truly a period that is timeless.    
The mysteries connected with this interval and their observation cannot only be traced back to Germanic and Norse cultures but also to customs in ancient  Rome (Mithras-cult) as well as in India, Japan and China.

The sun seems to be standing still; time seems to be standing still. The old is not yet gone, the new is not yet strong enough. The powers that propel the Wheel of the Year are getting manifested here. All is hurled around. Chaos is ruling. The nights are longest, way north the polar nights are ruling with seemingly everlasting darkness. This is the wolf’s time mentioned in the Edda, a particularly wild and frightening time filled with mystery and powerful magick.

Particularly during this time many old customs are still observed in Central Europe: Animals are believed to be able to talk.

Once more Odhin / Wotan rides the storm winds with his army of the dead. Wildness is rampant during these days when the sun has turned but the increasing light is not yet visible. The air is filled with the barking of His hounds, the whinnying of the horses and the cries of the Valkyries. Work has to be stopped - justice may not be administered, water may not be taken from wells, grain may not be thrashed, the house may not be cleaned or swept nor may any baking be done. Food is laid out to appease the wild travelers and to keep harm away.

The festivities and terrors last until the days are once more noticeably longer (January 6th). Then the Wotan and his wild horde will travel back into the mountains until next fall.

Mother Holle, who traveled the land in her own Wild Hunt during the dark time between Samhain and Yule in her aspect of Hel (germ./nord. Goddess of the Underworld) and who as such carried the souls of the yet unborn children, now travels the land once more in her aspect of Frigg (germ./nord. Goddess of Motherhood and family).

During Her time no laundry may be washed, hung or ironed. Other than cleansing people, house and animals profusely with incense, cleaning is not allowed. Holle is a stern goddess who makes sure that we live and grow according to our destination. She checks that everything is kept well in order. 

Even though She expects that us to work assiduously during the year, she now wants us to rest and contemplate on our destination and inner self. She makes sure that we keep to Her rules, distributing favours and punishment as She sees fit.

She appreciates small gifts and veneration though.

This quiet time of “stand still”, contemplation and divination ends on the 13th day (January 6th) with a wild celebration of Holle or Percht. After this She will return to her realm.

The nights are a magickal time for divination. The future of the coming months may be read, each month on the appropriate night. It is a mysterious time of listening to the whispers of the Runes and for dream working. Dreams are an ancient form of divination, of divining the divine will and receiving advice and guidance. Take your dream pillow and dream yourself into the coming year.

In this time when “the powers of light fight the powers of darkness” (myth of the Holly King & Oak King) we are sensitive and vulnerable as is the newborn light and need protection. We look back on the old and prepare for the new. We get together with neighbours and friends, cleanse our home spiritually and do our divinations for the coming year.

WW4BB Presents: Free & Cheap Books!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:19:00 am

Gasparilla's Treasure

By Scott Clements

Discovering a dusty old trunk in his mother’s attic marks the beginning of a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for Trip: And with two good friends, he embarks upon an epic journey to seek an incredible treasure. An enchanting read for teens and adults alike


Originally: $4.99
Get Deal:
Deal ends: 12/4/13
Category: Children's and Middle Grade

WW4BB Presents: Free & Cheap Books!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:43:00 am

Diamonds Are a Teen's Best Friend

By Allison Rushby

Nessa is a big-time Marilyn Monroe fan who finally gets the star treatment on a transatlantic ocean liner. Things are looking up when she makes friends with glamorous superstar Holly — but once she falls for Holly’s cute nephew Marc, everything falls apart


Originally: $0.99
Get Deal:
Deal ends: 12/1/13
Category: Teen and Young Adult

29 Nov 2013

WW4BB Presents: A Release Day Blitz of Death of the Mad Hatter by Sarah J. Pepper!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:02:00 am

Expected publication: November 29th 2013
ISBN: 149282390
ISBN13: 9781492823919
pages: 333 
Design by: CreateSpace

WW4BB & AYWT Presents: A Spotlight and Giveaway of Surrender to Temptation by E.B. Walters

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:02:00 am

Book Title: Surrender to Temptation
Series: The Fitzgerald Family
Author: E.B. Walters
Genre: Contemporary Romance | Suspense | Sensual
Presented by: As You Wish Tours
Banner Made by: Camelia Miron Skiba

28 Nov 2013

WW4BB Presents: A Giveaway and Review of Lionrhods Dark Moon Gates!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:06:00 am

5.0 out of 5 stars great book and great story!November 11, 2013

This review is from: Dark Moon Gates (Witches' Gates Saga) (Kindle Edition)
I really enjoyed this book the characters were awesome and the story was quite adventurous! being a wiccan myself I quite enjoyed all the ritual aspects to the story as well as the fictitious ones. Lionrhod is a brilliant author with a amazing grasp of both the occult and the fae sides of the story and brings them both together in a beautiful way creating a story that leaves people on the the edge of their seats throughout the whole book dying to know what is going to happen next!

Willa comes form a typical family and lives a normal existence on the outside but behind the sense Willa's family is anything but your typical family. Willa's family is wiccan, part of a coven of witches and in order to keep their family from the unfriendly stares and ridicule they must keep their practices a secret.

Joth is of the Seely court(the good fae), he is in the mortal realm to find the revealer the prophesied child that will keep the gates of fae open forever. Unfortunately his sister Bria is also here and is of the UnSeely court (the bad fae) and working against everything he is trying to do. Bria wants to close the gates forever and to do that she must sacrifice the child.

Together Willa, Joth and the coven do what they can to keep the child out of the hands of the UnSeely fea who are determined to sacrifice the child. But will they be enough? and do they even what the gates to be open to begin with?

great book and great story! there was never a dull moment through the whole thing! ever moment was full of action and drama! if you haven't read this yet you are missing out! get your copy today!!!!

Willa, high school Junior and witch-in-training has a problem. No, not the ordinary problem of being a lonely, geekish misfit, though sure, she can add that to her list. And not the problem that she's got a crush on a delicious and evasive lord of Faery, and her mom's got the hots for him too. That's the easy stuff.

Teachers at her school are disappearing. The substitutes are faery Sidhe in disguise, and they're trying to uncover the identity of the child who will, according to prophecy, open the Gates to Faery. That kid happens to be Willa's 3-year old brother Arrie.

Since opening the Gates means the humans will invade and ravage the realm of Faery, the Sidhe plot to sacrifice Arrie at the dark moon, two weeks away. If they manage to do it, the Gates will close forever and the human world will perish for lack of magic. They haven't discovered Arrie's identity yet. They're narrowing down fast.

Then there's that pesky detail in the prophecy: Willa will be struck blind if she manages to stop Arrie's sacrifice.

4 out of 5 stars.

Great Book!

I really enjoyed this story! Lionrhod is a awesome writer and storyteller! I loved the colour and detail and this story, it was full of adventure and heart as well and when coming to the end I found myself disappointed that there was now more!
D'hara is an assassin in training, at the age of 19 she is well passed the age of "Change" and is a disappointment not only to herself but her parents as well. Without the "Change" she can never hope to make a match in marriage or to step into her mothers shoes as the high assassin, a title their family has held for many generations. 
D'hara's only comfort her born for slave Aldrar who's child is taken from her and going to be sacrificed in the name of the princesses new child. D'hara must brave the wrath of the Prophet God's priests and the hazards of the city Below to save him. Will she get to him in time? or will the priest who has a grudge against her figure out her plans and stop her before she can complete her plan?
Great Story! Lionrhod sure likes to keep you on the edge of your seat! this is such an intriguing tale full of adventure and heartfelt chaos. I can't wait to hear what happens next!

At nineteen, assassin-in-training D'hara, is a
 disappointment to her parents, and especially 

Without the mysterious "Change" that should have
 come at puberty, her father the Khalji cannot make
 her an advantageous marriage. Nor can she follow 
in the path of her mother, the High Assassin. Their
 line has held that title for eight generations. 
D'hara will break the chain if she does not become 
fully Assassin caste.

In this city of political intrigue, cunning 
manipulation and betrayal, the only one D'hara 
can trust is her beloved born-for slave, Aldrar.
Now, Aldrar's newborn infant is in peril, chosen for 
ritual sacrifice as the ghostly slave of another 
princess. D'hara must brave the wrath of the Prophet 
God's priests and the hazards of the city Below to save him.

A dark Sword & Sorcery fantasy set in a violent world where poison and 
backstabbing prevail, Nenfari is the first story in the Assassin's Flower Series.

About the Author

A writer of fantasy and non-fiction metaphysics, Lionrhod (pronounced 
LION-rod as the h is silent) caught the writing bug at age 8. Inspired by her 
writer mother, she wrote an extremely lousy and highly plagiarized story 
about a pony. From there, she went on to focus on science fiction and fantasy
as well as romance, and when she realized that she was a Witch, articles 
on Wicca and Magick. As an avid Dungeons and Dragon's player, she has 
written several articles for that sort of thing and one of her pieces was 
featured in a TSR module way back before they became Wizards of the 
Coast. She has also written for Green Egg.

She tends to write slow, though that is changing!

She has been a witch and wysard (yes we spell it funny) for most of her life. 
She works as a professional psychic and a teacher of metaphysics. When she 
isn't glued to the keyboard, she enjoys hiking in the woods, gardening, 
cooking and yak wrangling. She is presently working on creating a rescue for
large breed dogs and for retired animals.


5 copies of Dark Moon Gates 

27 Nov 2013

WW4BB Presents: A Spotlight & Review on Kissed by a Dark Prince by Felicity Heaton

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:49:00 am

Kissed by a Dark Prince 
Felicity Heaton

WW4BB & CCBT Presents: A Spotlight on Shrouded by Frances Pauli

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:48:00 am

Title: Shrouded
Author: Frances Pauli
Release Date: November 21, 2013
Series: Princes of the Shroud
Publisher: The Zharmae Publishing Press (Zharmae.com)

26 Nov 2013

WW4BB Presents: Free & Cheap Books!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 7:13:00 pm

The Chief

By Monica McCarty

From a wildly popular New York Times bestselling author comes a seductive romance set in the Scottish Highlands. In exchange for a team of top-notch warriors, clan chief Tor MacLeod must reluctantly marry Christina Fraser. Can this unlikely husband and wife learn to love each other?


Originally: $7.99
Get Deal:
Amazon Barnes & Noble Apple Kobo Sony
Deal ends: 12/1/13
Category: Historical Romance

WW4BB & RABT Presents: Lost Seraphine A Release Week Blitz By KaSonndra Leigh

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:03:00 am

Lost Seraphine Release Week Blitz
By KaSonndra Leigh

Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy
Date to be Published: 11/24/2013

25 Nov 2013

WW4BB & BBT Present: A Spotlight on the Penton Vampire Legacy by Susannah Sandlin

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:14:00 am

Penton Vampire Legacy, Book 3
Susannah Sandlin

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Date of Publication: February 5, 2013
ISBN: 978-1612183596
ASIN: B0073XV3L2
Number of pages: 328
Word Count: approx. 88,000

WW4BB Presents: A Review of Nenfari by Lionrhod

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:14:00 am

4 out of 5 stars.

Great Book!

I really enjoyed this story! Lionrhod is a awesome writer and storyteller! I loved the colour and detail and this story, it was full of adventure and heart as well and when coming to the end I found myself disappointed that there was now more!
D'hara is an assassin in training, at the age of 19 she is well passed the age of "Change" and is a disappointment not only to herself but her parents as well. Without the "Change" she can never hope to make a match in marriage or to step into her mothers shoes as the high assassin, a title their family has held for many generations. 
D'hara's only comfort her born for slave Aldrar who's child is taken from her and going to be sacrificed in the name of the princesses new child. D'hara must brave the wrath of the Prophet God's priests and the hazards of the city Below to save him. Will she get to him in time? or will the priest who has a grudge against her figure out her plans and stop her before she can complete her plan?
Great Story! Lionrhod sure likes to keep you on the edge of your seat! this is such an intriguing tale full of adventure and heartfelt chaos. I can't wait to hear what happens next!

At nineteen, assassin-in-training D'hara, is a
 disappointment to her parents, and especially 

Without the mysterious "Change" that should have
 come at puberty, her father the Khalji cannot make
 her an advantageous marriage. Nor can she follow 
in the path of her mother, the High Assassin. Their
 line has held that title for eight generations. 
D'hara will break the chain if she does not become 
fully Assassin caste.

In this city of political intrigue, cunning 
manipulation and betrayal, the only one D'hara 
can trust is her beloved born-for slave, Aldrar.
Now, Aldrar's newborn infant is in peril, chosen for 
ritual sacrifice as the ghostly slave of another 
princess. D'hara must brave the wrath of the Prophet 
God's priests and the hazards of the city Below to save him.

A dark Sword & Sorcery fantasy set in a violent world where poison and 
backstabbing prevail, Nenfari is the first story in the Assassin's Flower Series.

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