Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:00:00 am
great book and great story!, November 11, 2013
This review is from: Dark Moon Gates (Witches' Gates Saga) (Kindle Edition)
I really enjoyed this book the characters were awesome and the story was quite adventurous! being a wiccan myself I quite enjoyed all the ritual aspects to the story as well as the fictitious ones. Lionrhod is a brilliant author with a amazing grasp of both the occult and the fae sides of the story and brings them both together in a beautiful way creating a story that leaves people on the the edge of their seats throughout the whole book dying to know what is going to happen next!
Willa comes form a typical family and lives a normal existence on the outside but behind the sense Willa's family is anything but your typical family. Willa's family is wiccan, part of a coven of witches and in order to keep their family from the unfriendly stares and ridicule they must keep their practices a secret.
Joth is of the Seely court(the good fae), he is in the mortal realm to find the revealer the prophesied child that will keep the gates of fae open forever. Unfortunately his sister Bria is also here and is of the UnSeely court (the bad fae) and working against everything he is trying to do. Bria wants to close the gates forever and to do that she must sacrifice the child.
Together Willa, Joth and the coven do what they can to keep the child out of the hands of the UnSeely fea who are determined to sacrifice the child. But will they be enough? and do they even what the gates to be open to begin with?
great book and great story! there was never a dull moment through the whole thing! ever moment was full of action and drama! if you haven't read this yet you are missing out! get your copy today!!!!

Willa, high school Junior and witch-in-training has a problem. No, not the ordinary problem of being a lonely, geekish misfit, though sure, she can add that to her list. And not the problem that she's got a crush on a delicious and evasive lord of Faery, and her mom's got the hots for him too. That's the easy stuff.
Teachers at her school are disappearing. The substitutes are faery Sidhe in disguise, and they're trying to uncover the identity of the child who will, according to prophecy, open the Gates to Faery. That kid happens to be Willa's 3-year old brother Arrie.
Since opening the Gates means the humans will invade and ravage the realm of Faery, the Sidhe plot to sacrifice Arrie at the dark moon, two weeks away. If they manage to do it, the Gates will close forever and the human world will perish for lack of magic. They haven't discovered Arrie's identity yet. They're narrowing down fast.
Then there's that pesky detail in the prophecy: Willa will be struck blind if she manages to stop Arrie's sacrifice.