Expected publication: November 29th 2013
ISBN: 149282390
ISBN13: 9781492823919
pages: 333
Design by: CreateSpace
Book Description
If the king loses his head, then the Queen with a Bleeding Heart would rule the Red Court until Time ceased to move forward. When a second carried on for infinity, every creature in Wonderland would tip their Hat to the misfit girl with a Boy’s name (or was it a boy with a Girl’s name?) who’d end the Reign of Terror. However, it all hinged on the One-Eyed Hare being able to convince an uninspirable Heir that the impossible was indeed possible—like stopping time—and that Love was worth a Beheading.Heads would Roll…
Hearts would Break…
In the end, would it matter who Reigned?
Author Bio

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Make sure to tune in HERE for a In Depth Interview with Death of the Mad Hatter's Amazing Author Sarah J. Pepper and HERE for my Review of the book!
Make sure to tune in HERE for a In Depth Interview with Death of the Mad Hatter's Amazing Author Sarah J. Pepper and HERE for my Review of the book!