Hello everyone I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend so far! I just had to tell you about this new group I found on goodreads that is awesome! It is just starting out and needs more authors and bloggers like you and me. Its called Bloggers for Authors and it's purpuse is ito bring authurs and bloggers together to help promote their books and for bloggers to help those authors get promoted!
Could this be any better? I think not! so hurry up and start signing up as it is going to be BIG!
I have already started with the launch of Kristen Painters new Book Last Blood Which came out July 30th. If any of you haven't gotten your copy do so now! you can by it on Amazon & B&N cause it is awesome! and if you are feeling lucky...try to win a copy in my Kristen Painter Book and Swag Giveaway!
Could this be any better? I think not! so hurry up and start signing up as it is going to be BIG!
I have already started with the launch of Kristen Painters new Book Last Blood Which came out July 30th. If any of you haven't gotten your copy do so now! you can by it on Amazon & B&N cause it is awesome! and if you are feeling lucky...try to win a copy in my Kristen Painter Book and Swag Giveaway!