When his world changing experiment is sabotaged, fifteen year old genius Benjamin Knight is cast into another world where an uneasy peace hangs in the balance.Saved from near death by a band of traders, he joins the Road Trains on their journey north as he struggles to understand what has happened to him.
However, Ben soon realises that everyone has their secrets and that no one is safe, especially when one man has the power to realise his ambitions. Friends are lost, plots revealed and battles fought as the unlikely companions seek to prevent war.
My Review
Knightfall by R. Jackson-Lawrence
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a great book! filled with adventure and intrigue I couldn't put it down! R. Jackson-Lawrence sets the story well and I was intrigued from the very beginning.
Ben is a brilliant scientist at the tender age of 5 he was able to do things others couldn't and it set him apart from the other children. What Ben didn't know was that others were out to get their hands on his brains and would stop at nothing to get what they wanted out of him.
By the age of 15 Ben is the most brilliant Scientist the world has ever seen and he has built a machine that others have never thought possible and now others are after it too!
Due to unforeseen circumstance Ben is Transported in another world not his own and his doesn't know if he will ever get home. How did he get here? and what has happened to his world? how will he ever get home from here?
As he makes new friends and new discoveries around every corner Ben learns new things about himself and this strange new place he has ended up in, he learns they are all keeping secrets and he is determined to put the puzzle pieces of this world together and go home.
Excellent Story I loved all the characters Each and every one of them were awesome in there own ways and I couldn't say I had a overall favourite besides Ben. Ben was wicked smart! I couldn't believe how smart and dumb at the same could tell he was still a teen as he would get himself into situations that would require him to talk his way out of
I think R. Jackson-Lawrence is a awesome Author and I would defiantly read more of his work! If you haven't yet read Knightfall it sooo needs to be on you to-read list! so get it NOW!
View all my reviews
Author Bio
When he lost his job in 2012, Robert resurrected a novel he had last touched in the 1990's and finally brought his vision to reality. With this new series, he hopes to draw attention away from teen vampires, and bring action and adventure to anyone from ages 9 to 90 in an entirely new setting.Robert Jackson-Lawrence lives in Lincoln with his two children. He would really like a dog, but so far his wife won't let him!
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