9 Aug 2013

WW4BB Presents: Angels of the Knights: Fallon by Valerie Zambito A Free Ebook!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 6:36:00 am

After dying at 16, Fallon returns to Earth with other angel knights to protect mortals from the evil Kjin. But her love for young Kade stirs up new danger and leaves her with a wrenching choice in this mesmerizing adventure

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Publisher Description

When Fallon Angell died at the age of sixteen, her life changed forever.
The hallowed world of Emperica is everything she had ever hoped for as a mortal — immeasurable beauty, unconditional love and light. But, with affection for humankind still burning within her, she joins the Knight Caste to train as an angel warrior. As a Knight, she will give up her wings and return to the place that killed her to use her unique powers to search out and destroy the evil Kjin that roam the earth. As a Knight, she will stop at nothing to protect the mortals in her care.
The elders warn her that the path she chose will be a solitary one. That she will not have the same bond with humans as she once did. But, as far as she knows, the elders had never met Kade Royce.
When her duties place her in the path of the handsome former cop, emotions buried long ago rise to the surface and she is powerless to ignore the depth of her feelings for this young man. She knows instinctively that she has found what most people search their entire lives for.
Ignoring the risks, she invites him into her world of danger, but soon their lives collide with explosive consequence. As a result, Fallon realizes with heartbreaking despair that she can no longer hide from the painful truth. In order for Kade to live, she must destroy him.


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