Fae Books 4K Likes Giveaway
If you haven't heard of Fae Books before, here's a little introduction to tell you what I'm all about and what sort of stuff goes on in the Fae Books world.
As I've said, I'm Sarah Fae, you can find me on Facebook as Sarah Fae Graham. I'm going on 25, I'm married and live with my husband, Shane - who is my full time carer as well as a full time Soldier - our two Bichon Frise dogs, Trixie & Teddy and our three cats, Simba, Horace and Squirt. I live in England, in the UK. Ahh, sunny England by the sea... I joke of course, it mostly rains, I also live in an Army Garrison. I'm disabled, wheelchair user, I'm in really bad health too so I take a lot of medication to get through my days. Anyway, enough about that...
I spend my days keeping everything behind the scenes of Fae Books running, booking in new tours for companies and organizations that I host for, as well as preparing to launch my own FREE introductory book tours. (If you'd like to be a Tour Host for Fae Books like this fabulous blogger may have, just click here).
About 50% of my work is promoting. Promoting myself as a writer, promoting Fae Books and everyone I work with. Anyone with any kind of business, authors or bloggers etc will tell you, the hardest bit is promoting your product/work and doing it in the right places at the right times, that takes a lot of time and dedication in itself. I often don't get any sleep at all for several days in a row, because I'll be up working all the time. My Husband says I'm a Workaholic, I do kind of agree with him, but don't tell him that! Lol.
I'm addicted to giveaways, running them that is (I rarely get time to enter any lol). I love to give back to the bookish community and I love the people that help me to be able to do that, so you'll often find a bunch of giveaways over at FaeBooks.co.uk. Sometimes the prizes are donated by others (writers, authors etc), but I also provide prizes myself, and post a lot of prizes out. Sometimes authors send me a bunch of swag and I'll use that in my events to give away and promote them, then send out the prizes to the winners on a monthly basis. I used to try and post as soon as people won the prizes, but I just couldn't afford to do it that way, so now I post monthly, because that's when Hubby gets paid, so we have the cash to send it all out then. It's pretty expensive sending internationally all the time, but I prefer giveaways to be open worldwide so that anyone can enter. I don't like to push anyone out if I can help it. That's just my own way of doing it though.
I (and thus Fae Books) hang out on Twitter, as well as Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and I'm also hooked on Goodreads. I manage my entire TBR list on there, I use that to keep me on track with my reading. Speaking of reading, you may have guessed, I love to read. I'm really into my horror right now, but I love to read anything paranormal, supernatural, fantasy, and all of the above with any kind of romance in it too. I'll read anything that sounds good when I read the blurb and reviews, so I don't just stick to those genres.
I run a Reviewing Team over at Fae Books, I have a great bunch of 20+ girls who work with me and they review tonnes of books for writers that approach me looking for reviews. I also review too of course. I regularly take on new members to be part of the team, so if you ever fancy becoming part of it, just keep an eye out on the website and I'll put updates up when I'm taking on new members. The team and myself book up very quickly for reviews, and usually months in advance, so we only have something like four spots left available in 2013 for reviews, and we're only half way through the year! Busy, busy, busy.
So... To thank everyone for following the page and supporting my own dream as well as the writers, bloggers, authors, graphic designers and everyone else I'm lucky enough to work with, I've organized a mahoosive giveaway for you all.
I hope you like the list of prizes for this event. Everyone got involved in this, Authors, Bloggers, Crafters, Graphic Designers and more! So there are a bunch of amazing prizes for you to win!
Just take a look at the Rafflecopter form below and do each entry, following the folk who've made this giveaway possible is a great way to thank them and show support for what they do. Once you like all the first Facebook entries, more will open up so you can earn even more entries by following the rest of the Twitter and Facebook pages, as well as some extra entries I've left for you AND a chance to get 10 bonus entries when you complete everything in the list.
Best of luck with the giveaway, and don't forget to use all the entries you can, more entries means more chances to win!
Sarah Fae xXx
Start & End Dates:
Friday 19th July 2013 12:00am UK Time
Friday 20th September 2013 12:00am UK Time
Prize Description Clarification:
Please find below a prize description where the prize listed in the Rafflecopter might need some further clarity.
World-Building Critique and Feedback ($70 value)
Donated by:
The Bearded Scribe
Prize is for writers
With this service, I'll review your manuscript's world-building material and notes for consistency and clarity, discrepancies and weaknesses, strengths and uniqueness, among other factors. I will offer a thorough critique with detailed feedback, pointing out places in your world that need work or reinforcement. The service includes the initial email exchange of your notes, my critique and feedback, and two, thirty-minute sessions via Facebook or iMessage.
Terms & Conditions:
One prize per person, except where it is a prize pack. Prize packs are classed as one total prize. Fae Books is not in control of sending out the prizes, the original prize donators are. Some prizes may be coming from all over the world, so please be patient. Any found cheating on any entries will have their entries removed from ALL Fae Books giveaways and be placed on the Banned list. This means you will be banned from winning any further prizes from my promotions. Not associated with any other entity. Only those legally allowed to may enter. Fae Books will designate prizes, prizes will not neccessarily be designated in the order they are listed as some prizes have specific eligibility criteria to be met. Prizes donated by Fae Books will be sent out with my monthly prize batches, this is because it's expensive and when I get paid, I do not get paid for anything to do with Fae Books, so please be patient.
Enter the Giveaway: