My good friend and Author Carmen Stefanescu has kindly agreed to spend the weekend with us all talking about herself and her book Shadows of the Past. I first met Carmen back when her book first came out and Carmen was looking for bloggers to read and review her books.
I quickly fell in love with Shadows of the Past. It is a heartbreaking story of love lost and love found again. As two lovers Anne and her husband are trying to rekindle there marriage they stubble on a Genevieve a Ghost who lost her love long ago and needs Annes help to be at peace. Her story is a very tragic and heartbreaking one
Carmen and I quickly became friends and have bonded over the year. So when she needed my help recently I rushed to do all a could to help. Apparently people from all over have been putting down this beautiful book! can you imagine! saying that it takes people away from the church and away from faith! well this is some of what I had to say about that!:
There my some spoilers contained in these rants so if you haven't read the book you might want to skip them.
"the story is fictional and it doesn't have much to do with faith at all but with love and sacrifice. It has to do with what people are willing to do for one another no matter who they are and no matter what faith they are.
Sure it takes place in the church and it has to do with the nun and priest who fall in love but that is just the surface of one piece of the story and if you are only seeing that then obviously you aren't reading the book properly. The book has many different layers to it and I loved it completely.
Faith isn't good or evil people are and no one should be defined by their religion.
I loved the pure heart this story has and the courage that it pulls from the soul. The conflicts, the danger and the intrigue were what brought the story though and I wouldn't change a single word!'
and I went on to say later
'what people fail to grasp is just because someone leaves the church it doesn't mean they have lost their faith!
Genevieve and her priest may have left the church but it never stopped their beliefs, they may have had questions a time or two but all people do it is human nature.
faith is inside of people not what church you belong to or if you even go to a church. it is what you believe that counts.'
Carmen is a beautiful writer and before she wrote Shadows of the Past she wrote many beautiful works of poetry. This one She has kindly agreed to share with us today she wrote the poem in both English and Romanian, she says as a motto to the beginning of Shadows of the Past.
I quickly fell in love with Shadows of the Past. It is a heartbreaking story of love lost and love found again. As two lovers Anne and her husband are trying to rekindle there marriage they stubble on a Genevieve a Ghost who lost her love long ago and needs Annes help to be at peace. Her story is a very tragic and heartbreaking one
Carmen and I quickly became friends and have bonded over the year. So when she needed my help recently I rushed to do all a could to help. Apparently people from all over have been putting down this beautiful book! can you imagine! saying that it takes people away from the church and away from faith! well this is some of what I had to say about that!:
There my some spoilers contained in these rants so if you haven't read the book you might want to skip them.
"the story is fictional and it doesn't have much to do with faith at all but with love and sacrifice. It has to do with what people are willing to do for one another no matter who they are and no matter what faith they are.
Sure it takes place in the church and it has to do with the nun and priest who fall in love but that is just the surface of one piece of the story and if you are only seeing that then obviously you aren't reading the book properly. The book has many different layers to it and I loved it completely.
Faith isn't good or evil people are and no one should be defined by their religion.
I loved the pure heart this story has and the courage that it pulls from the soul. The conflicts, the danger and the intrigue were what brought the story though and I wouldn't change a single word!'
and I went on to say later
'what people fail to grasp is just because someone leaves the church it doesn't mean they have lost their faith!
Genevieve and her priest may have left the church but it never stopped their beliefs, they may have had questions a time or two but all people do it is human nature.
faith is inside of people not what church you belong to or if you even go to a church. it is what you believe that counts.'
If you too would like to add your thoughts on the discussion you can find it HERE
Carmen was my very first Author interview here on WW4BB and partially because of her the blog is what it is today so thank you Carmen from the bottom of my heart! I thank the Goddess every Day that you are my friend!
The Poem
Carmen is a beautiful writer and before she wrote Shadows of the Past she wrote many beautiful works of poetry. This one She has kindly agreed to share with us today she wrote the poem in both English and Romanian, she says as a motto to the beginning of Shadows of the Past.
by Carmen Stefanescu
In the quiet solitude
of a small, remote convent,
Only prayers seem alive
on the lips of holy sisters.
Candles flicker in their hands
like lost souls in search of light,
And the yellowish, faint glimmer
makes a halo’round their whispers.
Era is eternity.
Garments, litany unchanged.
Just a film of smoke on walls
clings mute witness to new faces,
To the passing-by of time,
deathlessness of love and hope,
To this monolith of faith
heaving over age and spaces !
by Carmen Stefanescu
In tacerea solitara
a micutei abatii
Doar cuvintele de ruga
ale maicilor sunt vii.
Lumanarea palpainda,
suflet ratacit, damnat
Cautandu-si izbavirea
in lacasu-ndepartat.
Slujba, straie, neschimbate.
Totul e ca in trecut.
Si doar fumul de tamaie
pe pereti e martor mut,
Al atator vremuri scurse
peste-altarul de credinta,
A sperantei nemurire
Si-a iubirii biruinta.
Now we have a Awesome Shadows of the Past Giveaway going on we are giving away:
two ecopies of Shadows of the Past
A personalized Autograph from the Author Carmen Stefanescu!
two ecopies of Shadows of the Past
A personalized Autograph from the Author Carmen Stefanescu!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Come Back tomorrow for more Awesome stuff about Carmen and Shadows of the Past!
Come Back tomorrow for more Awesome stuff about Carmen and Shadows of the Past!