Title: Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World #1)
Author: Brandy Nacole
Pages: 267
Release Date: September 20th, 2012
Being unique isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.After searching all over the world for someone as unique as she is, Racquel finds herself back in her home town where she’s treated like a monster ready to kill. Racquel is one of the most unique beings ever created. Four of the most powerful beings in the Shadow World are intertwined within her, making up her unique DNA. But no matter how unique her bloodline is, she’s considered an outcast by the entire Shadow World.
Once arriving home, Racquel finds that greater evils exist and that the person she cares for most in this world, her half-sister Addie, has been kidnapped along with other Shadow World beings. Racquel finds herself facing horrible odds with those who would rather see her dead than alive.
As her journey continues, Racquel learns more about herself, what she is capable of, and that not every being looks at her as an abomination. Coy, a human captive that Racquel saves from the Vampires, starts showing kindness toward her. Racquel tries putting distance between her and the human boy but as they spend more time together it becomes harder and harder for Racquel to fight the affection she wants and needs.
But will Coy’s friendship and her new found discoveries be enough to help Racquel unravel the strangest mystery that has ever plagued the Shadow World?
About The Author
Brandy Nacole resides in Arkansas where her imagination runs wild. Her obsession is reading but her passion is writing. She put her dream of becoming a writer on the back burner and went to college to become a psychologist. Three years after endless classes in a field she only felt half satisfied with, Brandy picked up her pen once again and wrote the outline to Uniquely Unwelcome. She finished out her degree in psychology, but traded her dream of writing for the degree and put psychology on the back burner.Whenever she’s not reading or writing, Brandy is spending time with her family and friends, throwing around crazy ideas, teaching , and singing like a rock star at a concert for no one else but herself. She loves plants, but unfortunately is a killer of anything that requires water but can’t voice (scream) their needs.
She is the author of The Shadow World Series and The Spiritual Discord Series
My Review
Uniquely Unwelcome by Brandy NacoleMy rating: 5 of 5 stars
Awesome book! I really enjoyed the characters and the storyline, it was unique and inspired. Brandy Nacole is a wonderful writer who pulls you right into the story and makes you never want to leave. Her stories are suspenseful heart-warming and full of spine tingling action.
Uniquely Unwelcome is about Racquel a mixed heritage supernatural or Shadow and the only one of her kind. Ridiculed by all other Shadows she goes off into the world in search of someone like her but never encounters another. Defeated she comes home to the one place she ever felt any love, only to find out that the one person she was looking for, her sister Abby, has gone missing. Her sister isn't the only Shadow to go missing there have been countless others taken as well and some people believe that she maybe the one responsible.
Determined to get her sister back Racquel sets out on a journey to find out what happened to these shadows and her sister and get them back. Along the way she learns a lot about herself her powers and makes friends in the unlikeliest places. Its a journey filled with fright, flights, magic, and bloodshed and it all ends in a totally terrifying and unsuspecting twist that you don't want to miss!
Usually I have a favourite character in a story but this one I didn't I loved them all so much! they were awesome each in their own ways. Brandy wrote them all so well and so strong that I really couldn't say that any one of them was a favourite cause they all were!
The bad guys were AWESOME! I always say how important it is to have good villains in a book and this one rocked! I totally didn't see it coming!
The ending was the BEST EVER! and I totally yelled NO WAY....lol...and I can't wait for the next book! brandy is an awesome writer and you all need to be reading this book NOW!
View all my reviews
My Interview
When I heard I was going to get the chance to interview Brandy Nacole I was so excited! Her book Uniquely Unwelcome is an amazing and action packed story filled with intriguing characters and usual plot twists.Brandy is an amazingly Talented writer and if any of you have read any of her books you know what I am talking about! It has been her life long dream to write and I can see why the woman was born to write! She moves people and creates a unique perspective that few can do these days.
If you haven't read this or any of Brandy's other books I suggest you get your copies right away as you do not know what you are missing!
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of fiction?
Reading has always been a huge part of my life—well except in high school when reading assignments were required, I guess I didn't like being told what to read. I started creating picture books when I was around 7. It was about a boy named Sam and his pet alligator. My mom kept all the stories I wrote growing up and even as I became a teenager I kept writing but my interest turned to the paranormal genre. I have always dreamed of being an author. Ever since I knew what an author was and one visited my school in elementary school, it has been my dream. But after high school, I put my writing aside, thinking it couldn’t be a reality, and persuade a second interest of mine, psychology. But after three years of endless classes and the itch to write, I picked up my pen again and wrote Uniquely Unwelcome.I didn't know if I would publish or not, but with a push from my husband and friends, I did. It’s scary facing your fears but exhilarating all the same.
Q: Can you please tell us a little about your book Uniquely Unwelcome and what inspired you write it?
It all started with a dream. I didn’t remember all the specifics about the dream when I woke up, but I did remember Racquel, her uniqueness, and the struggles she went through. When I woke up, before even brushing my teeth—which is not a norm for me but I was so excited and pumped it was the only thing on my mind—I wrote what I could remember about the dream. Then after finally brushing my teeth, I spent the rest of the day building her story. From there is just grew.
Q: Are any of your characters in your books based on people in your real life?
No. Some of my characters have been inspired my people around me but with a little difference here or there.
Q: Can you tell us about your writing process? Do you dream up these characters and then build the journey, or rather, do you dream the journey as you create?
I dream up my characters and then build their journey, although it doesn’t always go as I plan out. But that is one of the great things about writing, at least to me. Sometimes us authors don’t even know what will be added, deleted, and twisted as we go along. It adds to the thrill of writing the story!
Q: What would you say has been the toughest part of your journey so far?
I would say the marketing, but while that is tough, the editing has to be hands down the toughest. There has been four editions of Uniquely Unwelcome. But thanks to my awesome editor, who taught me so much, the process is becoming easier. With my latest novel, Broken Faith, the editing process was much smoother than it was with Uniquely Unwelcome.
Q: How did you come up with such a unique twist to such an old Idea of supernatural creatures?
It was all inspired from Racquel. She’s a girl living among other Shadows but is bullied and basically exiled because she is not a pure-blood. The human world around her has evolved to accept changes but the Shadows are stuck in their old laws. This makes Racquel’s life, and her families, the outcast among their kind.
Q: If faced with a Shadow what would you do?
I would like to think I would play it cool, but in all honesty I would probably freak. If the Shadow made it through my freak out, and if I didn't die of fear, I would definitely have a million questions.
Q: Do you have plans to write a sequel to Uniquely Unwelcome?
The sequel is actually already out. Book 2, Blood Burdens, was published in December 2012. Book 3, Sacrifice: A New Dawn, is currently with my editor and is set to publish in September 2013.
Q: What are you working on at the moment / next?
I’m currently working on the sequel to my other series novel, Broken Faith (Spiritual Discord, 1). Faithfully Hunted (Spiritual Discord, 2) is planned to be published in December 2013.
Q: Thank you so much for the interview, Brandy. Would you like to tell my readers where they can find you on the web?
I can be found on facebook: www.facebook.com/authorbrandynacole, on twitter: www.twitter.com/authorbnacole, on my blog: www.brandynacole.blogspot.com, or on my website: www.brandynacolesbooks.com. I’m also on goodreads, linkedln, and pinterest.
All my books can be found on
amazon: http://amzn.to/1175eeN
barnes & noble: http://bit.ly/1b3vMUL
iBookstore: http://bit.ly/12XHPc8
Thank you so much for the interview. It was fun!
After reading my awesome review and interview are you going to read Uniquely Unwelcome?
(1) signed paperback of Uniquely Unwelcome,
(2) ebooks of Uniquely Unwelcome and the sequel Blood Burdens
(2) ebooks of Broken Faith.
There’ll be 5 winners:
1st place: (1) signed paperback of Uniquely Unwelcome.
2nd and 3rd place: (1) ebook of Uniquely Unwelcome and the sequel Blood Burdens.
4th and 5th place: (1) ebook of Broken Faith.
*The giveaway will be international*
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