• Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star

    How the story compares to the comic script

  • Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton

    A Cover Revel of Book 9 from Felicity's aweome supernatural series! don't miss out on these!

  • A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen

    Read all about Danielle Allen's new book!

  • A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri

    A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!

28 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Splintered by A.G. Howard

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 2:15:00 pm

This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now. When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland...

26 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Fragments by Dan Wells is HERE book 2 in the Partials Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:39:00 am

Fragments by Dan Wells My rating: 3 of 5 stars Wow this book was really long! I really can't say it was a bad book because it did have parts that griped me and didn't let go, but I can't say it was a great book because there were parts I had to force myself through. I was so excited for this book as the first one was so phenomenal! but this one was just really long! The ending was a total Cliff hanger though and now I so will have to read the next one and hope it is better. This book was split in two parts on one side we have kira, Samm, Ada and Heron out in search of a cure to save both the partial and the human races. Kira believes that...

WW4BB Presents: Edge of Dawn by Lara Adrian is HERE!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:19:00 am

Twenty years after the terror of First Dawn—when mankind learned that vampires lived secretly among them—the threat of violence reigns as the two species struggle to coexist. The only group preserving the fragile harmony is the Order, an elite cadre of Breed warriors dedicated to protecting humans and vampires alike. And in this precarious world of torn loyalties and shattered trust, Mira, a fiery squad captain, finds that every fight bears an intensely personal cost.  Raised among the Order, Mira has always believed in the warrior’s code of swift—and even lethal—justice. But the one thing she desires more than the Order’s hard-won acceptance...

23 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Warm Bodies Series by Isaac Marion

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:02:00 pm

New York is a bayou. New Orleans is a reef. The entire country has been devastated by natural disasters and governmental collapse, and on top of everything else there is the annoying problem of zombies trying to devour you at every turn. But sixteen-year-old Nora and her younger brother Addis are about to discover the most frightening thing yet: being abandoned in this horrific world by their own parents.Left with only a bag of clothes and a first-aid kit, Nora and Addis begin a harrowing journey to connect with anyone who isn't looking to rob them or eat them. A wounded man wrecks a meal of green beans and French fries at the top...

'The Vampire Diaries' Theory: Is Silas a Doppelganger?

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:37:00 pm

John Kubicek Senior Writer, BuddyTV Fans finally got their first look at the notorious Silas on this week's emotional Vampire Diaries, only he looked an awful lot like Professor Shane. Recap: When Tragedy Strikes>> After awaking from his desiccated state and killing Jeremy Gilbert, Silas left his iron mask behind, meaning he could look like anyone. Throughout the episode Bonnie was being guided by a seemingly healed Professor Shane who was encouraging her to help Silas tear down the wall between the real world and the Other Side, where all dead supernatural beings have gone. In the final moments, we saw Professor Shane...

21 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: The Vampire Diaries' Spinoff 'The Originals' Takes Shape

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 11:16:00 am

Carla Day Contributing Writer, BuddyTV The three remaining Original siblings will all be headed to New Orleans for the April 25 episode of The Vampire Diaries. This episode will serve as a back door pilot for the potential new series, The Originals. Claire Holt (Rebekah) was the last of the actors to sign on for the new series that would air this fall on The CW if picked up. As Rebekah said to her siblings Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) in The Vampire Diaries episode, "Ordinary People," "We stick together as one. Always and Forever."   That looks to be the case as Rebekah and Elijah...

WW4BB Presents: Primal Creatures by Eic Wilder

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:39:00 am

Primal Creatures by Eric Wilder My rating: 5 of 5 stars This was a really awesome book! It isn't really what I would normally read as I am not much into P.I stories but this one caught my attention right away as well as the fantastic cover. Eric Wilder is a superb writer I felt like I was immersed inside the story and my heart pumped right along with the characters. My favorite Characters would have to be Jean Pierre and Landry their witty banter made me laugh even when things were at their worst for the characters and they were defiantly people who I would like as friends. the Story starts out with a P.I. named Wyatt whose pretty much...

20 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Neferet's Curse By P.C Cast is HERE!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 7:12:00 am

The White City, 1893: In turn-of-the-century Chicago, with the World’s Fair bringing bustle and excitement to her home city, sixteen-year-old Emily Wheiler should be reveling in her youthful beauty and the excitement around her. But her whole life changed when her mother died, leaving her to be the Lady of Wheiler House. Her father, a powerful bank president, is at the center of an important social hub for the booming young city, and he needs Emily to do everything her mother would have – to be a good hostess and make sure the mansion runs smoothly.As Emily uneasily tries to replace...

19 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: My Time with Lauren DeStefano!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 2:19:00 pm

Lauren DeStefano was born in New Haven, Connecticut and has never traveled far from the east coast. She received a BA in English from Albertus Magnus College recently, and has been writing since childhood. She made her authorial debut by writing on the back of children's menus at restaurants and filling up the notepads in her mom's purse. Her very first manuscript was written on a yellow legal pad with red pen, and it was about a haunted shed that ate small children. Now that she is all grown up (for the most part), she writes fiction for young adults. Her failed career aspirations include: world's worst receptionist, coffee house...

WW4BB Presents: The Hallowed Ones Series by Laura Bickle

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 12:59:00 pm

Katie is on the verge of her Rumspringa, the time in Amish life when teenagers can get a taste of the real world. But the real world comes to her in this dystopian tale with a philosophical bent. Rumors of massive unrest on the “Outside” abound. Something murderous is out there. Amish elders make a rule: No one goes outside, and no outsiders come in. But when Katie finds a gravely injured young man, she can’t leave him to die. She smuggles him into her family’s barn—at what cost to her community? The suspense of this vividly told, truly horrific thriller will keep the pages turning. ...

WW4BB Presents: Just Give Me A Reason feat. Nate Ruess (Behind The Scenes)

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 7:14:00 am


18 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:08:00 pm

Seventeen-year-old Teagan McNeel falls for captivating Garreth Adams and soon discovers that her crush has an eight-point star etched into the palm of his right hand; the mark of an angel. But where there is light, dark follows, and she and Garreth suddenly find themselves vulnerable to a dark angel's malicious plan that could threaten not only her life, but the lives of everyone she knows. Divinely woven together, Angel Star takes readers on a reflective journey when one angel's sacrifice collides with another angel's vicious ambition in a way that is sure to have readers searching for their own willpower. For Teagan, these last few...

WW4BB Presents: Goddess Test Series by Aimee Carter

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:43:00 am

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter My rating: 5 of 5 stars Amazing Book! I couldn't put it down. This book series was recommended to me by a friend and I have to say I totally loved it! I had no idea who the bad guy was and all the twists and turns I totally didn't see coming! that never happens in a book I always know when certain things are going to happen but this one kept me on my toes from on min to the next. Kate Winters doesn't know much but she does know one thing for certain, that the most important person in her life is going to die and leave her alone, and there is no way that Kate is ready to say goodbye. Then she meets Henry....

17 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: P!nk - Behind the Scenes: Deborah Anderson Photo Shoot

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 5:50:00 pm


WW4BB Presents: Fall of Angels Series by Keary Taylor

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:44:00 am

Jessica's had the nightmares for as long as she can remember. Nightmares of being judged for people who have died, of being branded by the angels. Her friends and family think she's a crazy because of it all. Yet she carries the mark of the condemned, seared into the back of her neck, and hides it and herself away from the world. But when two men she can't ignore enter her life everything changes, including the nightmares. The two of them couldn't be more different. She will do anything to be with one of them. Even tell him the truth about angels, why she never sleeps, and the scar on the back of her neck. But one of the two has set events...

15 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader by Cassandra Clare

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:18:00 pm

Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series, epic urban fantasy set in a richly imagined world of shadowhunters, vampires, werewolves, fairies, and more, has captured the imaginations and loyalty of hundreds of thousands of YA readers. Originally a trilogy (City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass), the series has extended to six titles, plus a prequel trilogy, the Infernal Devices, and a planned sequel series, the Dark Artifices. A feature film is planned for 2013. Shadowhunters and Downworlders, edited by Clare (who provides an introduction to the book and to each piece), is a collection of YA authors writing about the series...

12 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead is HERE! Book 3 in the Bloodlines Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:26:00 am

The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead My rating: 5 of 5 stars Well what can I say I loved this book I think it is my favorite so far in the series! I love Adrian! I loved him in the Vampire Academy and I love him even more in this series. Adrian and Sidney are the ultimate couple just like Rose and Dimitri and their story just as epic and full of terror, intrigue, and forbidden love. This part of the story starts where the last left off with Sidney still in Palm Springs taking care of Jill keeping her hidden from those who would harm her when some new and even more terrifying things enter Sidney's world. A Witch with dark powers is taking the...

Sever by Lauren DeStefano is HERE!

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:57:00 am

Sever by Lauren DeStefano My rating: 5 of 5 stars WOW! amazing book! I was on pins and needles waiting for this book and it doesn't disappoint! just when you think nothing more could possibly happen to poor Rhine as she has been though so much this book proves that yes there is more. Lauren paints a truly vivid dystopian world were chaos rains superior and the meek are definitely not going to win any awards, that is unless they are genetically made like Rhine and Rowan. Rhine Starts out the story pretty much were the last book left off Rhine is in the hospital after having cut the tracking device out of her leg. She is recovering nicely...

10 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Who do you trust?

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 4:35:00 pm

While fighting to stay ahead of Hell’s reapers, Ellie finds an unexpected ally: Cadan, a demonic reaper who comes to her with information about her enemies’ latest plans. What do you do when you get help where you least expect it? How do you decide who to trust?...

WW4BB Presents: Which witch?

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 4:19:00 pm

Spellcaster’s Nadia joins a long line of great witchy characters in film, TV, and books. Which witchy lady from pop culture would you be? Take the quiz to find out!...

WW4BB Presents: Black City by Elizabeth Richards

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:34:00 am

A dark and tender post-apocalyptic love story set in the aftermath of a bloody war. In a city where humans and Darklings are now separated by a high wall and tensions between the two races still simmer after a terrible war, sixteen-year-olds Ash Fisher, a half-blood Darkling, and Natalie Buchanan, a human and the daughter of the Emissary, meet and do the unthinkable—they fall in love. Bonded by a mysterious connection that causes Ash’s long-dormant heart to beat, Ash and Natalie first deny and then struggle to fight their forbidden feelings for each other, knowing if they’re caught, they’ll be executed—but their feelings are too strong. When...

9 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:07:00 pm

No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible. Yet the crazy attraction between...

7 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: House Rules by Chloe Neill is HERE! Book 7 in the Chicagoland Vampires Series

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 7:18:00 am

House Rules by Chloe Neill My rating: 5 of 5 stars This was an exciting and wonderful new chapter to the Chicagoland Vampires. I really enjoy this series of books and each one brings new and exciting challenges into Merits life. The characters are always witty the scene are always well thought out and dramatic and the bad guys are always the badest of the bad. In House Rule Marit and Ethan's relationship is just getting back on course after his time away and they are on the brink of settling matters with the DP(the head Vampires) who they have decided to leave. Dorian upon hearing that they no longer want to be part of their secret Vampire...

6 Feb 2013

WW4BB Presents: P!nk’s latest interview with Redbook Magazine

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:47:00 pm

Catch P!nk’s latest interview with Redbook Magazine on her marriage, self confidence and kicking ass in leather pants. Read more here - http://bit.ly/VVjBz9...

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