26 Apr 2018

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:16:00 am

Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star How the story compares to the comic script 

Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted was published in 2014 and I reviewed it in 2015. I was in love with the story from the start and knew it would go far. The characters jumped from the page and dazzled you in a way that many stories failed to do and I couldn't help but think that if put into comic book form where you could actually see the characters come to life this story would be literally Unstoppable!

On January 20. 2015 I wrote a review about this novel saying. 

This was a incredible read! Sylvester Edmonds is a wonderful author! I was fascinated when reading the synapses of this one and decided I need it give it a go. I don't read religious books as a rule but am a big fan of books having to do with angels and Nephilim so this one intrigued me. 

This one is a short but very intriguing story that keeps you entertained from front to back and is defiantly action packed with baby's popping out everywhere..lol I couldn't put the book down for a second and thought that Edmonds take on the whole thing was brilliant. My favorite baby being born was the phoenix, as it has always been one of my favorite mythological creatures. Another thing I liked about this were the beautiful colored pages at the front and back! I found it really added to the book and I think as the book is so short turning the whole thing into a graphic novel would make it really cool and add to the story. 

 I defiantly recommend this book to others who would like to give it a try as I did.

I have been patiently following the progress of Waking Eyes Comics since they started working on the comic and every time I get more and more impressed as the characters I remember come to life in drawings and then at the appearance of Realm of Spirits at Awesome Con 2018. I am so amazingly proud of Sylvester and all he has achieved with this story.The new comic is going to rock peoples socks off! its so much more then a story its a journey, one that inspires the mind and feeds the soul.

you can find Sylvester and his book at the following links



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