The explosive seventh installment in the Amaranthine series brings blood, ruin, despair, and hope, for even in the darkest night there is still a moon.
After the battle in Indonesia. Katelina wakes in Samael’s domain. Though her memories are tattered, she knows someone is missing: Jorick.
Her vampire lover gathers an army to save her from the ancient, but his master Malick interferes. For five hundred years Malick has manipulated and ruined Jorick’s life. When he leaves Katelina broken and bleeding in the bowels of his oasis, it’s the final straw.
While Malick sets up his glorious war with a living legend, Jorick plans the ultimate taboo: to kill his master. He’s tried before and failed. Will this be different, or will he and Katelina be crushed in the carnage of a greater battle, between two whose blood goes back millennia?
My Review
Clash of Legends by Joleene Naylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This Book Was Given To Me By The Author In Exchange For An Honest Review
Magnificent and breathtaking! I couldn't put it down! Naylor's creative genius knows no bounds! this book was completely incredible! and the battles amazing!
Katelina's change in this one is incredible! she is so different! yet so much the hate to say to much without giving it all away. Joleen twisted it in such a way that no one saw it coming. I so can't wait to see what is in store for her character in the next book as well as for Micah.
The introduction of the newish character Xandria sets a different stage to the book and sets a different feel to it all now with Katelina's character. I think it will be interesting to see how it will all unfold and to see if she will be a trustworthy addition to the team.
The ending was totally epic! and I have to give Joleen kudos for it! I nearly fell out of my seat when I read I am totally dieing to read the next book already! this series is the best!!!!!
View all my reviews
Thanks so much for the awesome review! So glad you enjoyed it! :D
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