12 Jul 2014

WW4BB Presents: A Weekend Author Spotlight With Melissa Parkin author of Divine Vices

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 7:26:00 am

My Review

Divine Vices by Melissa Parkin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! Melissa Parkin is a full on genius! this book has quickly become one of my fav of the year! I love the story to death and the characters where by far the most awesome! Ian especially was a fav of mine!

I have to talk about the ending because I think that was the biggest thing for me I was so surprised by it that I was like NOOOOOOOO this can not be the ending!!!!! I kept flipping the pages back and forth hopping upon some miracle that more writing would appear..lol...sadly none did...lol...It ended so abruptly that it feels so unfinished like the stories still running only the films run out and we are awaiting for the projector to be restrung before we can see what happens next. Its very suspenseful and aggravating all at the same time..lol

ahhh now that I have gotten that out I can talk about the rest of the book which was totally fantastic in every way! I loved the witty banter between the characters it often had me laughing quite hard. I loved Ian so much! I loved the way he dressed and his overall unique character.

The Bad guys were so super creepy! I loved it! you never knew who or what they were till the end and they popped out at the most awful and worst times.

I would highly recommend this book to everyone! it was amazing and unique. Melissa Parkin is a blessed writer who knows how to captivate her audience and leave them hanging! begging for more! get your copies today!

View all my reviews


Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of writing?

Hello! *waves at the computer* Oh, wait, you guys can’t see me. Yeah, I’m a dork. That’s for starters. Let’s start over again. Hi, my name is Melissa Parkin. I hail from the Chicagoland area. I eat more pizza than any human being should. I’m a proud Whovian (Doctor Who fanatic), movie aficionado, music lover, and total bookworm with a mild Dr. Pepper addiction.

Since I was little, I was blessed/cursed with an overly active imagination. Even though I wasn’t a big reader growing up, when the bug of book-loving bit, I became addicted. I’ve always had stories playing in my head for my private entertainment, and it just felt like a natural fit to finally get them down on paper. Can’t say that I’m unhappy with the decision either. :)

Q: Can you please tell us a little about your book Divine Vices and what inspired you to write it?

Divine Vices follows the story of sixteen-year-old Cassie Foster, a high school junior whose life seems to have taken a turn for the dangerous and rather strange. Having lost her mother and sister in a tragic accident at their New York home nine months prior to the start of the book, Cassie’s finally readjusting to her new surroundings when her father moves her to New Haven, Maine. With her best friends, Ian and Gwen, by her side, she’s braving the hells of high school and finding comfort in the fact that things are returning to normal…until the new transfer student, Jackson Matthews, walks into the picture. He’s cocky, sarcastic, devilishly sexy, and proven to be every bit of trouble that comes with his bad boy reputation.

Not only has he taken an unwarranted shining to Cassie, but with his arrival has also come a string of disappearances and a trail of dark events that seems to lead back to her. Is it just a coincidence that these things started when Jackson came to town, or is there something far more sinister at play?

Q: Can you tell us about your writing process? Which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?

With Divine Vices, character development definitely came first. I had such a clear image of everyone and their back stories before the plot of the book ever even came to mind. I wanted to explore the depths of each character prior to entering the writing process. I let my characters interact with one another in scenarios outside of the plot just to see where the chemistry was between each person. It was first time I had ever done that with my characters, and I was fascinated by the inspiration I got out of the practice. It’s what led to the revelations learned later in the book.

Q: Tell us about Ian! He is by far my favourite character in the book. How did his character come into being? (without giving to much away of course…lol)

Well, thank you so much! I’m always happy to hear that. Ian is one of my favorite characters to write for. His personality developed so easily for me. He is one of Cassie’s best friends and New Haven’s resident misfit. He’s devoted, loving, funny, really endearing, and severely misjudged.

When I first started working on the characters for Divine Vices, I was admittedly on a Panic! At the Disco binge. Since Ian happens to be a magician, I wanted his look to be the embodiment of his whole persona, and Brendon Urie’s style was the original inspiration. I didn’t want Ian to be full-fledged Vaudeville though, so I opted to make him a bit more Steampunk. His outward appearance eventually settled on being a happy combination of Sebastian Stan’s portrayal of Jefferson in ABC’s “Once Upon a Time” and Alex Band in his music video for “Tonight.” Ian’s look is classy and old school, but it can still be a bit off-putting to your typical teenage bystander. I adore him!

Q: If you could choose to live the life of one of the characters from your story who would it be?

Honestly, for what’s on the horizon for these characters, I don’t think I’d want to be in any of their shoes! I wish I could be as strong as Cassie, but I’m not sure if I could do her justice if I was in her position.

Q: This is prob the most important question I am going to ask today. WHY?
Why did you end it that way? I totally couldn't believe it when I got to the end that it really was the end....lol

I’m a sadist! Mwah-ha-ha-ha! Okay, no, not really. I’m just one of those people that likes to leave things on a sharp note.

Q: Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?

No, I find putting axes through doors and chasing small children through mazes to be about as strange as I typically go. Nothing as weird as writing in the shower!

Q: What books/authors have influenced your life?

The man who really got me into reading was Chuck Palahniuk. I didn’t like reading when I was younger, but once I found “Fight Club,” I became obsessed with books!

Q: What is next for you? Do you have any scheduled upcoming releases or works in progress?

Right now I’m working on the sequel to Divine Vices, which will be released in the fall. Another project separate from the series is also in the works, but it’s still in its early stages.

Q: Thank you so much for the interview, Melissa Parkin. Would you like to tell my readers where they can find you on the web and where everyone can buy your book?


My book is available on the Amazon Kindle Store at: http://www.amazon.com/Divine-Vices-1-ebook/dp/B00GDSV0XE

And you can find me online at…
My blog: http://melissaparkinsblog.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DivineVices
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7377117.Melissa_Parkin


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