The sixth installment of the Amaranthine series pulsates with the dark blood of vampire lore.The Children of Shadows, a vampire cult not seen for hundreds of years, resurfaces to wage war on the vampire guilds. Led by a familiar face, the cult wreaks havoc while Katelina and Jorick are trapped in Munich. Ume, a mysterious vampiress, claims to know Verchiel and offers the help of her secret organization. But can they trust her?
As mysteries are solved, new ones appear. Why have the Children of Shadows returned, and is it really a former ally that leads them, or a look-alike?
Legends rise and secrets are revealed in a world where vampires walk, drenched in blood and shadows.
My Review
Review by: Amanda Masters on March 15, 2014 :I so loved this book! Joleene Naylor is the best! I so love this series, and I so love these characters! Joleene has no end to how she entertains her audience and her story becomes alive from the first moment you
Wanting nothing but relaxation after all they have been through, Katelina and Jorick relax on the beach for awhile before heading for home to tie up loose ends. Of course nothing can ever be that simple for them and as they head home they are set upon by mysterious vampires. who can they be?
A trip back to headquarters reveals a old secret organization called Children of Shadows on the rise, one headed by some familiar faces. Why have they reappeared? and what does it all have to do with what went on in the temple?
Great Book! Joleene Naylor is one of the best authors ever! I so love her writing! she becomes each and every character as she is writing them and you can feel it in her stories. Her characters are so real and even though fictional they have depth and real traits that make them feel as if they were real people.
Joleene Naylor grew up in southwest Iowa surrounded by soybeans, corn and very little entertainment – so she made her own. She has been writing and drawing since she was a small child, with a particular leaning towards fantasy, horror and paranormal. It is this love of all that goes bump in the night that led her to write the Amaranthine series.In her spare time she is a freelance artist, book cover designer and photographer. Her current projects include the seventh novel in the Amaranthine series, and The Terrible Turtle Conspiracy, a web manga collaboration with writer Jonathan Harvey. Joleene maintains blogs full of odd ramblings and hopes to win the lottery. Until she does, she and her husband live near Bolivar Missouri with their miniature zoo. However, unless she starts buying tickets she won’t win anything.
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See Heart of the Raven
My Interview with Joleene Naylor!
My Interview with Verchiel!