• Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star

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  • Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton

    A Cover Revel of Book 9 from Felicity's aweome supernatural series! don't miss out on these!

  • A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen

    Read all about Danielle Allen's new book!

  • A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri

    A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!

29 Feb 2016

WW4BB Presents: A Review of Winter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #4 by C.D. Gorri

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:27:00 pm

"It was difficult to remember the girl I used to be when my Wolf instincts were at the forefront as they were now. I closed my eyes and counted backwards. A little calming technique Cara had told me in one of the rare moments during our training when she was not out for my blood. It was a useful tool. When I opened my eyes I could think more clearly. The footsteps were closer and any second their bearers would break from the stand of trees into the small clearing where I was being held.I braced myself, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight that came next. Angela’s fiery red hair broke through the tree line followed by a tall...

28 Feb 2016

WW4BB Presents: A Spotlight Author Weekend of Bad Timing by Nicky Peacock

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:18:00 am

My top 5 Villains. Okay guys, as much as most people hate a villain, there wouldn’t be heroes without them, so here are my top 5…  Dracula. Oh, he’s graced so many books, TV shows and movies in so many incarnations it’s hard to keep count, but the essence of who he is and how he gets things done always remains the same. He’s strong, seductive and oh so driven to get what he wants. By far my favourite Draculas are Gerard Butler in Dracula 2000 and Luke Evans in Dracula Untold. Although let’s not forget the original Bram Stoker character who birthed this succession of sexy blood suckers.  Loki. Known more for his Avengers...

27 Feb 2016

WW4BB Presents: A Weekend Author Spotlight of Bad Timing by Nicky Peacock

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 6:55:00 am

Bad Timing – Battle of the Undead #2 by Nicky Peacock. “You know now that monsters are real. Whether they have recently risen to reach for your flesh, or have chosen now to step from the shadows; you are surrounded by them. You also know that I am one too, but I’m all you’ve got and time is running out…”  There’s no rest for the wicked, especially in a zombie apocalypse. Britannia has used every vampire skill at her disposal to keep those she cares for safe, but with old enemies and unseen adversaries moving against her, she will have to push herself to both her physical...

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