Being a daughter, sister, friend and crush-sick with an ex-schoolmate, Zoe Brown is just another ordinary high school graduate. In defiance of coming from Doomsberg, a town that was once in history abandoned for witchcraft, Zoe has never believed in the craft.
But when a magical pentagram chain defines her fate, the Never theory is put to rest. In the midst of Doomsberg Association of witchery, she witnesses a prophesy that has failed for 186 years pick her responsible for safeguarding her town against black magic witches.
This fight is waged against the wrath of a vicious untraceable black magic humeleon (human chameleon) and his master, a powerless but immortal witch. Her chances of attaining victory are only viable by forming an alliance with the association's confined, ruthless and dangerous humeleons (the same ones that had caused massacre and abandonment upon her town)
revelations, secrets and tough decisions succumb her small world. With that, her normal life is bid farewell.
My Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
amazing book!Lily N. Anderson is a incredible author and I couldn't put the book down! the characters where amazing and the way she created the magical world around them shows how great of an imagination and how creative she can be!
As a real witch in life when I read stories of this nature it makes me glad that the life of real witches are so much less complicated...lol...but the down side is no flashy powers. I would take my simple nature based life over one like this book any day! the power of nature is around me everyday (and bonus no bad guys are chasing me...lol).
I really loved the character of Liz, although she was selfish at times and bossy at others she reminded me of my best friend Annette. The way she would barge in on Zoe and she spoke her mind about everything! no matter who wanted to hear it..lol...and the way they would laugh and fight and make up. I also really liked Chris from the first moment he came into the book I immediately took to him. He was a great guy and I was rooting for him and Zoe to get together through the whole book!
Zoe was one tough cookie and can't wait to read more of this series as this one was great! I can't wait to find out what happens next! The bad guys in this one don't make much of an appearance till the end but are talked about a lot and I have a feeling we will see much more of them in the second book. Lily N. Anderson has me hooked with her phenomenal characters and extraordinary story.
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