Hello All!! I have won my very first Blog award and I am sooo excited!
The Liebester Blog Award is so very awesome and Thanks so very much to the person who has given me this wonderful award! the amazing the fantastic! Melissa Baker!! of
her blog is super fantastic and you all should check it out! now on with what this award is all about!
"Liebester" is a German word meaning sweetheart or beloved, dearest, sweet, nicest...and what is nicer than receiving it from a fellow blogger!!
A major aspect of blogging is to connect with people so its a great way to promote upcoming bloggers and to know more about your fellow bloggers.
By accepting, I am bound to answer the questions given to me and to word my own for the other chosen by me. Mm .. sounds interesting eh?.well, here I go....
The Rules Are-
1.Link back to the blog that nominated you.
2.Answer the questions given.
3.Nominate 10 blogs & let them know.
3.Ask 10 questions for the blogs you nominate to answer in their post.
3.Share a couple of random facts about yourself.
My 10 questions are-
If you could be in any genre of book, what would it be?
I would be a YA or New Adult Supernatural type book of course!...LOL
Do you believe that books should never be made into movies?
What was the last book you couldn't finish?
I did try my best though and even tried going back to it several times thinking maybe it was just me and I needed some time but however much I tried I couldn't bring myself to get into the story. I was disappointed in myself as I always finish a story, but not every story is going to be one you can read and for me this one I just had to put aside. Now I am more determined then ever each time I pick up a book....LOL....I love books they are my passion and so much hard work goes into every page. I don't ever want to let myself or an author like that down again!
Do you prefer to read sitting up or laying down?
Both...LOL...as I read a lot on my laptop or kindle I guess I do a lot of it laying down or in waiting rooms. My son and I visit a lot of doctors so waiting rooms are the best place to read.
Both...LOL...as I read a lot on my laptop or kindle I guess I do a lot of it laying down or in waiting rooms. My son and I visit a lot of doctors so waiting rooms are the best place to read.
Are you a coffee or tea person?
If you could go back to any era, what would it be?
I would still like to go like to go back like Shannon Running Wolf in S.R. Howen's Medician Man Seiers. I would perhaps even like to visit Ireland of my fathers people. There is so much to be learned of history!
If you could be any type of paranormal, what would it be and why?
OH, there are so many to choose from! but if I had to choose I think I would want to be something that hasen't been thought of yet! something mysterious and great! because that is the stuff great books are made out of!
OH, there are so many to choose from! but if I had to choose I think I would want to be something that hasen't been thought of yet! something mysterious and great! because that is the stuff great books are made out of!
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
What wouldn't I do!..LOL...I would load up my friends and family and I would take them on a trip around the world and while we where away I would build a big place for all of us to live together some where that was all eco friendly. I would adopt children who needed homes, I would give money to charities, I would visit all my wonderful friends in the states that I have made over the years and I would live comforly with my husband, family and friends forever!
What wouldn't I do!..LOL...I would load up my friends and family and I would take them on a trip around the world and while we where away I would build a big place for all of us to live together some where that was all eco friendly. I would adopt children who needed homes, I would give money to charities, I would visit all my wonderful friends in the states that I have made over the years and I would live comforly with my husband, family and friends forever!
Your current blog gets shut down..name your next one?
I would Die!!!!!!....LOL....I suppose if I was ever to get shut down I would just start over. I don't know what I would call it though as I had a hard enough time naming this one...LOL...wicccawitch4 has been my handle online ever since the internet began, and is my craft name as well - the 4 the 4 got added as I have 4 children. When I started this blog I thought why the hell not!...LOL....and the blog was born!
Is your blog only one genre or do you feature more? How many?
My site is a mostly a YA supernatural blog but I do a wide range of genre's and don't like to limit myself to just one thing. like with life we are all full of rich experiences and I like to have something for everyone on my blog.
Random facts about Me -
1. I am wiccan
2. I am an epileptic
3. I have 4 children 2 boys and 2 girls
4. It has always been my dream to mix my photography business and my passion for books
And the nominees are-
My 10 questions are:
What is your favourite book and Why?
What is you favourite genre of book and why?
What was the last book you finished?
Who is your Favourite author?
What will you ask for if you are granted 3 wishes?
What according to you is a classic?
If you could be any character from any book who would you be?
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
What is your favourite book that they have turned into a movie?
What did you think of the movie? did they do a good job?
CONGRATS to these new winners may you be as happy with your award as I am!!!!!