See my Spotlight and Review on The Experiment HERE

These brilliant authors Cindy, Sherry and Jeffery all came together and created for us this wonderful and unique world full of mystery and intrigue and they did it beautifully!
The Experiment should be on all your TBR lists! as it is an exiting adventure that you will not want to miss out on! so make sure to pick you copy up today!
Q: Sherry, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of fiction?

SG: I started writing when I was twelve to deal with some things. I fell in love with it, and slowly my writing evolved from poems to novels. I find writing a great way to deal with “things” in my life. A way of venting.
Q: Cindy, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of fiction?

CCB: I’ve always loved the world of make believe. I was one of those kids who played with Barbie dolls far past the age it was acceptable (it was my dirty little secret). Really, I was just creating fiction in the only way I knew how. Now, I simply use words to do the same thing I was doing as a kid.
Q: Jeffery, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you delve into the world of fiction?

Q: Can you all please tell us a little about your book The Experiment and what inspired you write it?
CCB: Jeff came up with the idea originally and pitched it to the others of us in our critique group. Sherry and I said yes, but a fourth member didn’t feel she had the time to give to it, so bowed out.
JM: Thanks Cindy, but during the inception is where we really came together and put together a back story, giving a premise to our heroes’ adventure. I consider the idea of the entire story a team effort.
Q: What were the challenges to writing a book with three authors? Did you each pick a Triplet and only write those parts? Or did you each work together on it all?
SG: We each took a triplet and wrote from their perspective. Jeff outlined the story and the characters. Of course they evolved over the course of the book.
JM: Just to add—we critiqued each other’s chapters and worked them to ensure we kept a good flow and detail consistency.
Q: Was there any part of the book that was harder to write than others? Did any of the Characters give you a hard time?
CCB: I wanted to be sure to convey that Cilla (my character that I wrote) came across as someone who’s seen as flighty because of her looks, but is really smart and actually uses her beauty to cover some of her insecurities.
JM: I have to admit that YA is not my genre. I’ve tried writing YA, but it’s an audience I simply struggle with. So for me, keeping in the boundaries was a challenge. I have a tendency to go too dark, but Sherry and Cindy kept me on the right track.
Q: What was your favourite part to write?
CCB: The interaction between the siblings was my favorite part, showing how much they might fight like siblings do, they were ultimately extremely protective of one another, and would do anything for each other.
SG: I second Cindy’s answer.
JM: For me it was creating the Crete creature. This is a comfort zone for me and allows my imagination to run wild.
Q: What is different about this book compared to others you’ve written?
SG: For me it was writing Speculative fiction. I still don’t get it. Jeff insisted that we couldn’t transform into small animals because of our size. There would be no place for the bulk to go. Seriously? We can morph into animals and we are concerned with mass...really? Morphing is impossible…so size really shouldn’t matter! LOL!
JM: LOL. Sorry, Sherry, but I had to insist we keep some laws of physics. The Fantasy/Urban Fantasy/Science Fiction genre is not for everyone, but I think we added strong elements of teen romance, dystopian, mystery, and action to give the story broad appeal.
Q: What made you all decide to write a novel that had Mophs in it?
JM: I’m not sure where the idea actually came from during our initial brainstorming. Personally, I’m attracted to stories with the element of morphing. Swamp Thing, vampires, and even less imaginative morphs like cyborgs. Not to plug one of my other stories, but Jericho Solus has morph elements.
Q: If any you could be any animal, what would it be?
SG: Dolphin. Jeff would probably choose an octopus so he’d have even more hands/tentacles to write with ;}
CCB: Panther, of course! Haha.
Q: While you all were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?
JM: For me, I try to develop a unique character. During the process of writing, I imagine what I would do, what action and reaction I would have, what my judgment would be with a tough decision, and then fold that into the character in a way that is consistent with them. As an example, there is a part in the story where Emiah decides to kill a bad guy (Victor). It’s a moral dilemma. He reasons that this is to
prevent Victor from getting away and harming his sisters. He doesn’t want to do it, but the anger and fear drive him (btw, he doesn’t kill Victor...oops did I just give something away?). My point is that I transpose my own decisions into Emiah. In real life, would I take a life to save a life of a loved one?
AM: its your book Jeffery...LOL...your allowed to say as little or as much as you want!
Q: When you all begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or do you have a specific reason or reasons for writing each book?
CCB: I’ve always been a writer, just one who began but didn’t finish any projects. The first book I finished was because I wrote it for my daughters. They encouraged me to publish it, and that’s how it all really started for me.
JM: When I finished my first book, I was gung-ho to get an agent, get published, and see my book on the shelf. After several attempts, the process of trying to get published (traditionally) left a sour aftertaste. I took a step back and asked myself why I was writing in the first place. Once I had my answer, getting traditionally published didn’t matter (and still doesn’t). I write because I enjoy the craft of writing.
Q: Thank you so much for the interview, Sherry, Cindy, and Jeffery. Would you like to tell my readers where they can find you on the web and where everyone can buy your book?
You can purchase the book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CreateSpace, and Smashwords
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