Realm of Spirits: They are being hunted Chapter 3 Blossom of the North Star
How the story compares to the comic script
Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton
A Cover Revel of Book 9 from Felicity's aweome supernatural series! don't miss out on these!
A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen
Read all about Danielle Allen's new book!
A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri
A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!
30 Oct 2019
4 Jan 2019
We Morn The Loss of a Dear Friend!
Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:29:00 pm
Carmen Stefanescu has passed on from this world to the next. We have lost an amazing woman. Someone I admired very much and who has been my friend for years.
We met years ago when I read her book Shadows of the Past and reviewed it for my blog. She was a most special lady and she created increadable worlds. She lived through a harsh time on Romanian history where harsh and awful things could happen to you for writing such things but she never let it stop her from her dreams.
I will miss her emails but I know that where she is she safe and loved. My heart goes out to her loving family and grandchildren. Silvia Angela Bugariu take strength that she loved you and know that she will be watching over you.