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  • Possessed by a Dark Warrior Felicity Heaton

    A Cover Revel of Book 9 from Felicity's aweome supernatural series! don't miss out on these!

  • A Release Day Blitz of The One by Danielle Allen

    Read all about Danielle Allen's new book!

  • A Review of Winter Moon by C.D. Gorri

    A Review of Winter Moon and the Buy links for the books as well as a look at the previous 3 books!

30 Apr 2015

WW4BB & TFFBC Present: A Release Day Blitz of Darkest Reaches by Brandy Nacole

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 6:34:00 am

Welcome to the DARKEST REACHES Release Event! Darkest Reaches (Spiritual Discord, #3) by Brandy Nacole Release Date: April 30th, 2015 Synopsis: Kayson and the other fallen angels have risked their lives to keep Sabrina safe as she recovered from a Hell hound’s bite. Just when she began to improve, Hell was unleashed as the hounds attacked, and kidnapped Sabrina.  Now, only days after the fight between the fallen and the hounds, Kayson is determined to find Sabrina and bring her back from Hell. The only thing standing in his way is a dangerous fallen angel named Iraja. Iraja has the means to find Sabrina,...

28 Apr 2015

WW4BB & GCR Presents: A Release Blitz of Final Death by Rose Garcia

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 6:29:00 am

Final Death by Rose Garcia The Transhuman Chronicles #3 Dominique has conquered the evil within her, only to find her one true love now has to kill her. Desperate to save her friends and loved ones from sharing her fate, Dominique ditches her companions in an effort to protect them. With Trent left for dead in the past, she has no idea that Infiniti and Fleet have banded together, facing their own adversity as they struggle to find her. Sure of nothing, and trusting someone from her first life who promises to be on her side, Dominique decides to set out on her own mission: kill before being killed. With...

27 Apr 2015

WW4BB & RABT Presents: A Review of Odin's Shadow by Erin S. Riley

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 1:18:00 pm

Historical Romance Date Published: April 2, 2015 Obsession. Treachery. Revenge. Redemption. Certain themes resonate across the centuries. Selia is a girl on the verge of womanhood, frustrated by the confines of her gender and resentful of the freedom her brother boasts of. Intelligent and resourceful in a time when neither is valued in a female, she longs for an escape from her sheltered existence. Fascinated by the tales of Viking raids told by her maidservant, her hunger for independence is fed through the stories of heathen ferocity she hears at the woman’s knee. A decision to sneak to the city’s harbor to view the...

26 Apr 2015

WW4BB Presesnts: A Review of Snow White Lies by Sarah J. Pepper

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 9:20:00 am

Title: Snow White Lies Series: Twisted Fairytale Confessions Author: Sarah J. Pepper Cover Art: Sarah Storm, Wilcox Photography, Platinum Imagery and Design Amazon: http://amzn.to/1B4MhLF B&N: http://bit.ly/1DOcdbS Kobo: http://bit.ly/1FZNyDp Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1wWXUz4 Evil poisons everyone. Period. Our mouths water when we sink our teeth into what we have always craved. Surrendering to our desires by biting off delectable piece of the forbidden fruit is nothing more than a meager confession: Poison tastes sinfully sweet,”—Confessions of the Big Apple Debutante, by blogger...

24 Apr 2015

WW4BB & Ravenswood VirtualTours Presents: A Review of Happily Ever After High School by Savannah Ostler

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 10:43:00 am

Title: Happily Ever After High School  Author: Savannah Ostler  Genre: Epic Fantasy/Clean Teen  Length: 355 pages Release Date: January 16, 2015  ISBN-­‐13: 978-­‐1507513156 Seventeen year old Albany French wants nothing more than to find her very own happily ever after. She dreams of finding her fairy godmother, going to the ball, and being swept away by a Prince. Much to her dismay, her life is no fairy tale. Albany is just a typical, all American girl who attends an overly crowded public high school.  An untimely tragedy leaves Albany desperate for a new life.  She seeks comfort in her eccentric grandmother, Greta. Not only does Greta welcome Albany into her home with open arms, but she transfers Albany to a new school.  But... this new school is not your average high school. This is... Happily Ever After High, the enchanting high school that hosts hundreds of magical, fairytale students.  Albany is about to begin the journey of a lifetime… as she discovers who she really is, where her family came from, falls in love for the first time, and embarks on a quest to fulfill a prophecy that has been passed on for ages. Welcome to Happily Ever After High. My...

22 Apr 2015

WW4BB & GCR Presents: A Trailer Reveal of Flirting with Scandal by Chanel Cleeton

Posted by wiccawitch4 on 8:54:00 am

Title: Flirting with Scandal Author: Chanel Cleeton Release date: May 19, 2015, Penguin/InterMix Series: Capital Confessions #1 Genre: Contemporary Romance The author of I See London sets her sights on Washington, D. C., with a sexy new series about three sisters, the secrets they keep, and a powerful blog with a knack for exposing scandals... Jackie Gardner knows all about dirty little secrets. The illegitimate daughter of one of the most influential senators in Washington, D.C., she grew up surrounded by the scandals and shadows of politics. Now that she's landed an internship with a powerful political consulting firm, she's...

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